President’s Page
Emily Kean
My two year reign as CAHSLA
President has officially come to an end. I’m looking forward to the role of
Past-President and am especially thankful to Regina Hartman, Amy Koshoffer, and
Sharon Purtee for finalizing the bylaws and procedures this past year! I
believe I will leave my tenure as President with the shortest CAHSLA meeting on
record (approximately 3 minutes from the Summer Picnic last week), a fact of
which I am extremely proud. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the
CAHSLA membership for bearing with my incredibly lax approach to parliamentary
procedure during the past two years.
Next year, we’ll be in the more than
capable hands of Lisa McCormick as she assumes the role of President. As many
of you know, Lisa has been steadfastly keeping CAHSLA on track behind the
scenes of the Executive Committee for years now. Edith Starbuck has graciously
volunteered to fill the role of Program Chair/President-Elect for the upcoming
year. Cathy Constance will remain in the role of Treasurer, and Brigid Almaguer
will stay on as Secretary. On behalf of CAHSLA, and as my last official duty as
outgoing President, I would like to thank Lisa and Edith for accepting the
roles of President and President-Elect and thank Cathy and Brigid for remaining
in their roles as Treasurer and Secretary.
Thanks to all the Executive
Committee members – past and present. We’ve had another excellent year of
programming this past year thanks to the Program Committee – Regina Hartman,
Amy Koshoffer, Lisa McCormick, Sharon Purtee, Val Purvis, and Edith Starbuck. I
am certain next year will yield more networking, sharing, and learning
opportunities through engaging CAHSLA programs.
A happy and safe summer to you all!
An Invitation from our New VP/Program Committee Chair
Edith Starbuck
Edith Starbuck
As the incoming vice
president of CAHSLA, I’m looking forward to having fun with program
planning. If you have program ideas or
are interested in serving on the program committee, please contact me at I will be contacting some of you in the near
future to ask if you are willing to help with planning. The program committee is a great way to get
more involved with CAHSLA. There have
already been some excellent program suggestions but more ideas are very
This year we looked
into doing the CAHSLA business meeting at the Moerlein House but decided
against it because reserving a special room made the cost to members
prohibitive. There was a lot of interest
in going to the Moerlein House however, so later this summer I’ll suggest a
date and those who are interested can gather there for dinner.
I’ll be in touch soon
but in the meantime, I hope your summer is renewing and relaxing!
CAHSLA Minutes Spring Business Meeting
23, 2013
Garden Center
by Brigid Almaguer
Attendees: Jennifer Heffron, Mike Douglas, Brigid
Almaguer, Edith Starbuck, Barbarie Hill, Don Smith , Emily Kean, Sharon Purtee,
Cathy Constance, Amy Koshoffer, Barb Slavinski, Diana Osborne, Sandy Mason, Val
Purvis, Teresa Chupp , Regina Hartman
The meeting
began with a horticulturist-led tour of the Civic Garden Center. We learned
about the history of Cornelius Hauck and his dedication to this (now 9 acre)
property which he affectionately called “Sooty Acres” in reference to the city
streets surrounding the park. Strolling
past well-placed fountains and calming waterfalls meant to temper the sounds of
the surrounding urban streets, we saw rare breeds of trees including the hybrid
oak and weeping hemlock. One of the more prominent features on our tour was the
cottage with the sloped roof garden which filters and reduces the amount of
storm water coming off the roof. In fact everything in the park was dedicated
to conserving resources and growing all things green…and yellow and purple…
What a nice place to go and eat a picnic lunch in the shade and solace of this
garden in the city. By the way, it is a
free, public park open from dawn to dusk.
Next, we
enjoyed a dinner brought in from the Apple Spice Junction – thanks to Edith and
anyone else involved who made this happen in a very, eco-friendly way.
Our meeting
commenced at 7PM with a welcome from our esteemed president, Emily Kean.
included the date and place of the summer picnic – Thursday, June 20 at Drake
Park. There was discussion of a TechConvo meeting as a Clinical Key follow-up
and/or MLA recap in early June. Cathy Constance gave her Treasurers report
including the happy news that we are fiscally sound once again and have 19 paid
members and 11 life members.
On the slate
for 2013/14 are: President – open; Vice
Presiden -t- Edith Starbuck; Treasurer-- Cathy Constance; Secretary -- Brigid
Almaguer; Webmaster -- Amy Koshoffer
Procedures and By-laws Committee (Regina Hartman, Amy Koshoffer, and Sharon
Purtee) provided us with updates/revisions for those two documents. They
highlighted changes that were made including the addition of a Technology
Committee (legacy of Emily’s presidency) led by a webmaster supporting
TechConvo and providing a social media presence for CAHSLA. All revisions were
passed in a group vote and the meeting was adjourned.
Treasurer’s Report
Constance, Treasurer
Annual Report 2012-2013
Checking Account Balance as of
6/19/2012 $2585.33
Dues (19 regular) $475.00
May meeting fees $140.50
Nov meeting, food
& water $167.81
Holiday party, water $
Eva Colligan’s retirement $ 60.00
Shelter reservation for June picnic $
Civic Garden Center May meeting reservation
$ 50.00
May meeting supplies $ 10.48
May meeting food $124.65
Civic Garden Center room and tour $125.00
June picnic food and water $ 82.67
President’s gift $ 50.00
Balance as of 6/26/2013 $2474.24
Balance as of 6/19/2012
$ 34.44
Balance as of 6/26/2013
$ 34.44
Total Assets $2508.68
Paid members
Life members
Committee Report 2012 – 2013
Edith Starbuck, Committee Member
The 2012-2013 CAHSLA
program committee members were Regina Hartman, Val Purvis, Lisa McCormick, and
Edith Starbuck. Since there was no
CAHSLA president-elect this year we worked as a group to organize 4
programs. Lisa emerged as our nominal
leader who reminded us at critical points that it was time to organize the next
The CAHSLA program year
got off to a late start with the membership meeting on 11/15/12 at the
University of Cincinnati, Winkler Center for the History of the Health
Professions. Graciously hosted by Doris
Haag, Laura Laugle, and Mary Piper, attendees were led on a guided tour of the
stacks, a brief talk describing the digitization projects the center is doing,
and a few colorful stories about some of the physicians whose materials are
housed in the center.
CAHSLA’s holiday party
was held at Regina Hartman’s lovely and wonderfully decorated home on 12/13/12.
Fun was had by all as we visited, ate delicious food brought by CAHSLA members
and played creative games prepared by Emily Kean. CAHSLA stats and Christmas trivia were the
focus of a lightning round of Q&A followed by a memorization game of 27
old-time library objects. There was much laughter and many groans as we
exercised our brains. As has been
CAHSLA’s practice for many years, members donated children’s books to Jane
Thompson’s suggested recipient, the Homework Club at Mi Casa.
The spring Business
meeting was held at the Civic Garden Center on 5/23/13. Brigid Almaguer’s
beautifully written minutes captured the evening so well that this is a direct
meeting began with a horticulturist led tour of the Civic Garden Center. We
learned about the history of Cornelius Hauck and his dedication to this (now 9
acre) property which he affectionately called “Sooty Acres” in reference to the
city streets surrounding the park.
Strolling past well-placed fountains and calming waterfalls meant to
temper the sounds of the surrounding urban streets, we saw rare breeds of trees
including the hybrid oak and weeping hemlock. One of the more prominent
features on our tour was the cottage with the sloped roof garden which filters
and reduces the amount of storm water coming off the roof. In fact everything
in the park was dedicated to conserving resources and growing all things
green…and yellow and purple… What a nice place to go and eat a picnic lunch in
the shade and solace of this garden in the city. By the way, it is a free, public park open
from dawn to dusk.”
After the tour, we ate together and held the annual business meeting where the 2013-2014 officers were announced: President – open; Vice President- Edith Starbuck; Treasurer-Cathy Constance; Secretary- Brigid Almaguer; Webmaster-Amy Koshoffer. CAHSLA closed out the program year with a picnic at Drake Park on 6/20/13. As usual, CAHSLA provided drinks and a couple of dishes while members brought other delicious dishes to share. Our annual summer picnic at Daniel Drake Park in Kennedy Heights was
graced by extremely pleasant weather. As is our tradition, family members, both human and canine, were welcome. Those in attendance included: Edith Starbuck; Sharon Purtee; Carole Baker and Rosie*; Val Purvis and Albus* and Ater*; Barbara Slavinski and husband Rick and daughter Monica and Marley*; Regina Hartman and daughter Gabrielle; Michael Douglas; Lisa McCormick; Cathy Constance; Emily Kean; Amy Koshoffer; and Nonnie Klein. The picnic meeting is 99% social with everyone mingling and catching-up on events at our respective libraries. After a brief business meeting, there was more time to enjoy the park and each other’s company.
Minutes for the End-of-the-Year Picnic Meeting
President Emily Kean welcomed everyone to the meeting at 6:45 pm and offered her thanks to the Program Planning Committee for organizing the picnic and all of the association’s programming this past year. She also thanked Regina Hartman and Sharon Purtee for their work on the By-Laws Revisions. Treasurer Cathy Constance gave her treasury and membership report (printed elsewhere in this issue of the Chronicle). Regina Hartman, Chair of the Nominations and Election Committee, gave her report that Lisa McCormick is nominated for President; Edith Starbuck President Elect/Program Committee Chair; Cathy Constance Treasurer; and Brigid Almaquer. There were no additional nominations from the floor. Regina will be sending out the ballot. Emily again thanked everyone and presented members of the Executive Committee and Program Committee with lovely New Guinea Impatience. With no other business, President Kean concluded the meeting at 6:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lisa McCormick for Brigid Almaquer
*Denotes canine family member
We are pleased to hear of the publication of an article by former CAHSLA member Katie Kallmeyer Wolf published in the April-June 2013 issue of the Journal of Electronic Resources for Medical Libraries. This is a very timely article for many of us as we evaluate Elsevier’s new replacement product for MDConsult.ClinicalKey: A Review
Katherine Wolf, Nakia Woodward & Richard Wallace
Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries, Volume 10, Issue 2, April-June 2013. Pages: 79-87. DOI: 10.1080/15424065.2013.792592
Thank You
Dear CAHSLA Colleagues,
I am truly touched by your kind words and expressions of sympathy on the passing of my father. Your donation to St. Elizabeth Hospice in his memory means so much to me. I am so grateful for your friendship and support at this difficult time. Thank you so very much.
With gratitude, Lisa McCormick
In the Literature and on the 'Net
Search: Bizarre health issues
search engine Bing listed 19 bizarre health issues under its popular web search
banner. The teaser that caught my attention and made me click through
read: “Click through to read about more
strange ailments and medical oddities, some so rare which even medical
experts don’t fully understand them.”
accent syndrome
American-born Oregon woman went in for a simple dental procedure and came out
speaking in a mash-up of various European accents. Doctors say it’s the result of a rare
neurological disorder. In the 1980s,
rocker George Michael, former Wham! front man woke up from a coma with a West
Country accent replacing his usual London accent.
Doesn’t Sleep
discovered this Florida mom wasn’t being melodramatic; her 3-year-old son
really couldn’t sleep. They found that he stayed awake nearly 24 hours a day
because of a rare condition in which the bottom part of his brain was squeezing
into his spinal column. After dozens of
doctors' visits and years of conflicting opinions, Rhett was finally diagnosed with
a rare brain condition called chiari malformation. The surgery was a success. Rhett was finally
able to sleep through the night, and his behavior improved dramatically.
who complain of this disorder cite creeping, crawling sensations under their
skin. They claim they're plagued by parasites and some try to extract the
culprits themselves. Morgellon’s
disease, aka, delusional parasitosis a syndrome in which the patient has the
false belief that he is infested by some type of parasite. Although this is a
psychiatric disorder, patients usually seek care from dermatologists.
Information for the Practicing Health Sciences Librarian from AHRQ
NGC Announces Revised Criteria for Inclusion of Clinical Practice Guidelines
On June 3, AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) announced its revised criteria for inclusion of clinical practice guidelines. The new criteria reflect the Institute of Medicine’s definition of a clinical practice guideline provided in its 2011 standards-setting publication, Clinical Practice Guidelines We Can Trust. The two main changes to the NGC inclusion criteria are that the guideline:
• be based on a systematic review of the evidence, through a literature review that summarizes evidence by identifying, selecting, assessing, and synthesizing the findings of similar but separate studies, and
• contains an assessment of the benefits and harms of the recommended care and alternative care options
The revised criteria will become effective June 2014.
UC nursing students to learn with iPad mini
Posted: Posted by Kelly Taylor - FOX19 News Jun 03, 2013 5:14 PM EDT Updated: Jun 03, 2013 5:14 PM EDT
Sophomores at UC's College of Nursing will be the first class to exclusively use an iPad rather than textbooks. "Our integration of iPad represents a shift—a real opportunity to not just impact education, but to transform the way we learn, interact and collaborate," says Chris Edwards, assistant dean for information technology and communications, and director of the Center for Academic Technology and Education Resources (CATER) at the College of Nursing. Earlier this year, Edwards was named an Apple Distinguished Educator by Apple. Edwards says the iPad changes the way content is taught to students. For example, students can download apps that let them view an animated heart beating in 3-D and diagnose standardized patients via video. In addition, they will have the option to take and share notes directly in electronic textbooks, increasing collaboration among students.
The College of Nursing began their iPad initiative in 2011 when UC's nursing educators were taught the skills needed to deliver nursing content to an already tech-savvy student body, such as a four-day training course on how to use the iPad, Apple TV and apps. UC nursing students can expect the cost of the iPad mini with AppleCare+ to be $530. The students purchase and own the device, which replaces all hard-bound textbooks normally required. Student fees that previously covered printing costs will be re-allocated to provide nursing-specific software and apps. College of Nursing staff says financial assistance is available based on need. Fall semester classes at UC begin Monday, August 26. The iPad initiative will eventually encompass use of iPad technology throughout all class levels at the College of Nursing.
Why you feel compelled to finish
that book you hate: Type-A personalities
more likely to abandon half-read books June 7, 1013
Failing to finish a book "goes against how we're built" and ultimately can cause anxiety, Kaiser Permanente psychologist Matthew Wilhelm explained to the Wall Street Journal's Heidi Mitchell this week. "There is a tendency for us to perceive objects as 'finished' or 'whole' even though they may not be," Wilhelm said, adding that this "motivation is very powerful and helps to explain anxiety around unfinished activities."
Certain personality types are better able to abandon a story mid-tale, Wilhelm says. Type-A personalities are more likely to abandon a half-read book because they are not motivated by reward or punishment. In contrast, laid-back Type-B personalities may never even start the book if they think they will not be able to finish it. But it's social pressure, rather than personality type, that drives most people to finish books, Wilhelm says.
"I have found that people in their 30s, they feel guilted into finishing—just the same way that they were told to eat everything on their plate," librarian Mary Wilkes Towner says, adding, "If you want to be culturally literate, skim. But we all have to give ourselves permission to quit" (Mitchell, Journal, 6/5).
The Library that Never Closes
Written by John Faherty
May 31, 2103
Some changes to a community are big and dramatic; they are instantly noticeable and utterly undeniable. Some changes are subtle. They can appear on a corner or a front yard and quietly change a neighborhood. Last spring, Maggie Gieseke put a Little Free Library in front of her Hyde Park home at the corner of Observatory and Burch avenues. She filled it with books and waited to see what would happen. A Little Free Library looks like a big birdhouse stuck on a post. Passers-by are free to take a book they want to read or leave one they have finished. The motto is as basic as can be: “Take a book, return a book.” “I liked the simplicity of it and I thought we had a good corner for it,” Gieseke said. “And I like the idea of sharing books.” Gieseke, 45, and her husband, Karl, wondered if people would participate. She feared her books might become dusty and unread. Within a day she knew. “It was amazing to me, a lot of people got it right away,” Gieseke said. “There are new books in there every day.”
This spring, Gieseke put in another Little Free Library specifically for kids and closer to the ground. And yes, she knows she likes her project more than most people might. But there really is something kind of magical about it. “It ... can be very private,” Gieseke said of the people who come to her library. “They look, they read a page or two. They put one back, they pick another one up. If Karl and I see somebody out there, looking through the books, we leave them be. We don’t want to scare anybody off.” But it turns out people love to talk about the books and the library and what they are reading and what they have liked and what they have not. The founder of the Little Free Library, Todd Bol, built his first library to honor his mother who had recently died. She was an English teacher and avid reader, so he thought she might love the idea. The first went up in 2009, in Hudson, Wis., on the St. Croix River. Bol thought it would be a quiet little tribute to his mother. He was wrong. People loved the idea and started asking him to build one for them. They took photos of the libraries and sent them to friends around the country, who then wanted their own Little Free Library.
Little Free Library is now a nonprofit organization with a two-fold mission. First, to promote literacy, love of reading and book exchanges. It also wants to help build community. People can buy a library and register it, or they can build their own. There are now more than 7,000 Little Free Libraries in the world. Bol is not surprised how much people love to read, but he loves to hear all the stories about how these little boxes have forged relationships on streets across the country. “I’ve had so many people tell me that they are meeting neighbors they never even knew they had,” Bol said. “One said, ‘I’ve met more people in the last five to seven days than I had in 30 years.’ ” (This is entirely true and I can speak from experience. My wife and kids just put up a Little Free Library in front of our home. It is dedicated to my mother-in-law, Elizabeth Ann Kendrick.)
Written by John Faherty
May 31, 2103
Library Leaders May Seek to Make Levy Permanent
Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County will consider making the library’s property tax levy permanent, ending the need for periodic voter approval.” PLCHC library director Kim Fender explained the plan, to seek a permanent levy, also called a continuing levy by state law, which means that “ the levy would no longer come up for periodic review by voters if it wins approval. There are advantages and drawbacks to a continuing levy,” Fender said. She said advantages include not having to continually seek ballot approval and the ability to plan. The drawback: Over time the levy would generate less revenue.”
USA Today
Identifies Six Most
Common Unnecessary Procedures
USA Today examined
federal data and independent studies published in some major medical journals
to identify six surgeries that are often unnecessary for many patients. Based on the review, researchers concluded that
unnecessary surgeries may account for 10% to 20% of surgeries in certain
- Cardiac
angioplasty or stents: A 2011 JAMA study found
that 12% of all angioplasty procedures lack medical necessity.
- Cardiac
pacemakers: A 2011 JAMA study found no medical evidence
to support installing 22.5% of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators
- Spinal
fusion: A 2011 study in Surgical Neurology
International found that more than 17% of patients who were told they
needed spinal surgery had no abnormal neurological or radiographic
- Hysterectomy: A 2000
study from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
indicated that 70% of hysterectomies may be inappropriate.
- Knee and
hip replacement: A 2012 Health Affairs
study found that patients who have "decision aids" with
information on joint replacements underwent 26% fewer hip replacements and
38% fewer knee replacements.
- Cesarean
section: A 2013 Health Affairs study found major
variation in the cesarean rates at hospitals nationwide.
Cultural Competence in Health Sciences
NN/LM Southeastern/Atlantic Region (SE/A) Outreach and Communications Coordinator, David Midyette, has penned an article on the SEA Currents blog entitled: Cultural Competence in Health Sciences. Check it out: Here’s an excerpt:
The old analogy of the United States as a melting pot is being transitioned into a more modern understanding of the U.S. as more of a salad. The various ethnic and cultural backgrounds of people in the country, legal, illegal, or otherwise, present the health care community with a plethora of beliefs about health and healing. Frequently these beliefs come into direct contact/conflict with the Western style of medicine that is the predominant practice in the U.S. healthcare system. State medical and allied health licensing boards are increasingly faced with the challenges of ensuring that new practitioners are culturally competent as they begin to practice their craft, and that experienced practitioners develop skills to deal with sometimes drastically different belief systems held by their patients.
Court: Scientific Articles Protected by First Amendment
A recent post on the Advisory Board’s “Daily
Briefing” summarized a New York federal court ruling that found that scientific conclusions in a published research article cannot result in damages awards. The ruling, “that scientific hypotheses published in research articles
are protected by the First Amendment against defamation lawsuits” currently
applies in Vermont, Connecticut and New York, but could be cited in future
rulings in other jurisdictions.
From the Advisory Board Daily
“The case—which was brought by New York-based drugmaker ONY—focused on a 2011 scientific article that discussed the effectiveness of drugs designed to help premature infants with an increased risk of collapsed lungs and respiratory distress breathe more easily, including Chiesi Farmaceutici SpA's Curosurf and ONY's Infasurf and Survanta.
In the lawsuit, ONY claimed that the article—published in the American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Journal of Perinatology—contained several factual errors suggesting Infasurf had a greater infant mortality rate than Curosurf.
USA Today
Identifies Six Most
Common Unnecessary Procedures
The old analogy of the United States as a melting pot is being transitioned into a more modern understanding of the U.S. as more of a salad. The various ethnic and cultural backgrounds of people in the country, legal, illegal, or otherwise, present the health care community with a plethora of beliefs about health and healing. Frequently these beliefs come into direct contact/conflict with the Western style of medicine that is the predominant practice in the U.S. healthcare system. State medical and allied health licensing boards are increasingly faced with the challenges of ensuring that new practitioners are culturally competent as they begin to practice their craft, and that experienced practitioners develop skills to deal with sometimes drastically different belief systems held by their patients.
The lawsuit also argued that the article later was used in advertising materials by Chiesi and Cornerstone Therapeutics, which marketed Curosurf in the United States. It accused the two companies of violating the federal Lanham Act and a New York state law by using deceptive business practices, injurious falsehood, and interfering with its business with hospitals and health care providers.
ONY also sought $10 million in damages from AAP and the health care providers who published the findings, as well as triple damages from Chiesi and Cornerstone, according to court papers.
Judge Gerard Lynch of the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York wrote in his ruling that scientific conclusions regarding topics that are open for debate and published in scientific journals cannot result in damages awards for defamation. The ruling also stated that companies are allowed to use scientific statements published in research articles for promotional purposes as long as the conclusions do not mislead consumers.
Lynch noted that "academic freedom is a special concern of the First Amendment" and warned against extending the Lanham Act to intrude on the amendment's values.”
July 18 SLA Cincinnati Chapter, 3:30 – 5:00, “Let’s Talk About Disaster Preparedness,” Health Foundation of Cincinnati, Norwood, OH
October 4 – 8 Midwest Chapter Annual Conference, East Peoria, IL. “Navigating a River of Information”
October ??? OHSLA Annual Fall Meeting – Date and location TBA
October 4 – 8 Midwest Chapter Annual Conference, East Peoria, IL. “Navigating a River of Information”
October ??? OHSLA Annual Fall Meeting – Date and location TBA