Later today UC Libraries will host our annual staff appreciation party. As 2015 comes to a close, I am glad that our traditions here at UC ask us to take time to reflect on our accomplishments and plan for the coming year. I personally am taking more time to reflect than usual as I prepare my dossier for reappointment to my position at UC Libraries. Though it is hard work to write about myself, it feels good to gather together the evidence of my work and accomplishments of the year.
I do not want to suggest that we all write a dossier at year’s end, but I suggest that we take time and reflect on our good work and note where our energies have gone over the past year. An artist friend said it feels good to “put on a show”. It is also a time to say what worked and what did not. Perhaps redirect focus to new areas of interest and move on from projects that need a missing resource we cannot provide. I know that I have projects that I will put on the back burner until time, energy or resources become available and in doing so; I can see other possibilities opening up. Overall I have the satisfying feeling I have worked hard and learned much this year.
It has been a great year of CAHSLA programming so far. We held our annual holiday party this past week and everyone in attendance enjoyed the time with CAHSLA colleagues. I heard much laughter and cheer as friends caught up with one another. A BIG Thank You to Sharon who renovated her living and dining rooms just for our party (really she did and the house looked great). And thank you to the cooks who prepared all the great food for our party. We took a break from the singing, and leaped right into the holiday trivial game. I noticed that I am a little rusty on my holiday trivia.
Next year…Looking forward to 2016, CAHSLA has several great programs coming up. I personally am very excited about the Clifton branch library tour in February and the tech convo in April. We are still looking for presenters for the tech convo, so please let me know if you are willing to give a 5-10 min talk on your favorite technology.
I wish all of you a great end to 2015 and hope you are celebrating your accomplishments with family, friends and colleagues who whole heartedly support you. And I wish you well for 2016.
Happy Holidays,
Amy Koshoffer
December 15, 2015
Sharon Purtee's Home, 5:30-8:30 pm
Attendees: Amy Koshoffer, Lisa McCormick, Edith Starbuck, Don Jason, Jennifer Pettigrew, Regina Hartman, Emily Kean, Elaine Dean, Val Purvis, Bob Purvis, Jennifer Heffron, Sharon Purtee, Judy Ten Eyck
CAHSLA members gathered at the home of Sharon Purtee to celebrate the holiday season. The food was delicious, and we all admired each other's culinary skills. New children’s books (ages 5-12) were collected for the GLAD House, a Cincinnati non-profit that supports children of substance abusing family members. Afterward we played a Christmas trivia game. We thank Sharon Purtee for her hospitality and look forward to our next meeting at the Clifton Public Library on February 25th, 2016 at 5:00 pm. Submitted by
Jennifer Pettigrew, Secretary

as of
9/28/2015 :
Membership Dues
Membership Meeting Costs
as of 12/18/2015:
as of 9/28/2015 :
as of 12/18/2015:
as of 12/18/2015:
14 Regular (Paid)
0 Student (Paid)
14 Life Members
Respectfully submitted,
Emily Kean
Fall Meeting Report

The Ohio Health Sciences Library Association held its annual fall meeting on October 30, 2015 at the Ohio University's Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine. Regina Hartman (The Christ Hospital) and Lisa McCormick (The Jewish Hospital Mercy Health) attended the meeting. The campus in Dublin, Ohio is relatively new. The room our meeting was held in is one of several classrooms used for distance education for the College. The CE course, "Measuring What Matters to Stakeholders” was taught by Jacqueline Leskovec of the Greater Midwest Regional National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Plenty of time was allotted during the class for discussion and learnings from the participants.
During the business meeting, Clare Leibfarth described the efforts to date to plan for the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association which will be held in Ohio. Librarians from across the state will be asked to join the various committees required to produce the annual meeting. Joining one of these committees will be a boon for anyone working on Medical Library Association AHIP credentialing. From experience being on a 2009 committee for the Columbus meeting of the Midwest Chapter, things went really well. It was a great experience being on a committee with colleagues from across the state. I want to encourage Cincinnati health information professionals and librarians to join a committee when the call is issued. We want to have strong Cincinnati representation on every committee.
Lisa McCormick
Congratulations to Emily Kean (Digital Services Librarian at the Boone County Public Library) were chosen as one of the founding members of the DPLA Curation Corps. DPLA (Digital Public Library of America) selected nine librarians and information professionals to curate the collection for the Open eBooks Initiative, which was announced by President Obama in April 2015, and is a partnership between three existing nonprofits (New York Public Library, DPLA, and First Book), with support from IMLS, and made possible by the generous commitments of multiple publishers. From the DPLA website: "Open eBooks adds to existing efforts to help kids develop a love of reading and discovery by making eBooks available to children and youth from low-income families." The Curation Corps was tasked with curating a collection of "diverse, compelling, and appropriately targeted ... titles—something for every child to read, learn from, and enjoy."
Amy Koshoffer reports: I attended the Midwest Data Librarian Symposium held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in Oct. It was a great event for learning about data management instruction, building partnerships with stakeholders, consulting on data management, curating data and meeting other librarians from the Midwest region. Here is the link to the content we created at MDLS 2015: Please follow up with me if you want to know more about the conference or just talk data. And, I will be attending the Geo4Lib camp sponsored by the Geo-Spatial interest group of Project Hydra. The camp will be held in Palo Alto, CA in January 2016. UC Libraries in partnership with the UC department of Geography is developing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support services. As part of these services we are exploring how researchers can curate, discover and showcase geospatial data in our institutional repository Scholar@uc
Lisa McCormick (Jewish Mercy) reports that Sophia

The Librarian in 2020 | Reinventing Libraries
Library Journal decided to explore the future through imagined job descriptions. If you have been in the profession for a while, you can see segments of things that look familiar, melded with “novel and even surprising elements.” According to the authors, “When we began to think about the future of libraries, we thought it might be interesting to approach the future from the types of jobs that could be in libraries in the next ten years, basing our future descriptions on the following trends: (1) information everywhere, (2) continuing increase in use of mobile and embedded technology, (3) rise of social knowledge, (4) longer living and the emergence of lifestyle design, and (5) integration of robotics into the world.” ************************************************************************************
Peer-Review Fraud — Hacking the Scientific Publication Process
Charlotte J. Haug, M.D., Ph.D. authored a 'Perspectives' article the December 17 issue of New England Journal of Medicine on the continuing problem of scientific fraud.
Haug offers several lessons to be learned from the latest revelations from BioMed Central and Hindawi on the large-scale fraudulent papers these organizations uncovered in her perspective piece. According to Haug, the ‘publish or perish’ mentality is one of the factors still at play in the scandal. See the article for Haug's lessons.
Impact Evaluation of Clinical Librarianship
A British colleague recently authored a paper on evaluating the impact of clinical librarians.
The impact of the clinical librarian: a review By Tom Roper. Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service, Brighton, United Kingdom. Abstract: The historical development of clinical librarian roles is outlined. Recent literature on the impact of clinical librarian services is described, the practical difficulties of impact evaluation discussed, and some suggestions of future trends suggested.
Music Librarians Featured in Enquirer Story
“Since summer, three librarians at the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra have been up against a daunting deadline. They are trying to put up to a million pieces of music into as much order as possible by Monday, when it all has to be moved out of Music Hall to prepare for the historic hall’s renovation in June.” For the full story see Packing up to preserve a musical treasure
What Libraries [Can] Still Do
Jack Gleick at the New York Review of Books reflects on the tensions managers of physically housed libraries are facing from information technology as he reviews John Palfrey’s new book, BiblioTech. “I’m an optimist. I think the pessimists and the worriers—and this includes some librarians—are taking their eyes off the ball. The library has no future as yet another Internet node, but neither will it relax into retirement as an antiquarian warehouse. Until our digital souls depart our bodies for good and float away into the cloud, we retain part citizenship in the physical world, where we still need books, microfilm, diaries and letters, maps and manuscripts, and the experts who know how to find, organize, and share them. In the midst of an information explosion, librarians are still the most versatile information specialists we have. And the purest.”
Report: Hospitals are breaking the law by not reporting clinical trial results
Federal law requires institutions - including hospitals - to report the results of clinical trials, but reporter Charles Piller [STAT News] found that most do not report the findings of their trials.
Piller examined reporting data for 98 institutions and 9,000 clinical trials that are subject to the federal disclosure law. "The investigation found that most research institutions routinely failed to report eligible trial results to, or reported the results after the deadline. In some cases, trial results that were not submitted included information about severe side effects of experimental drugs and other data potentially useful to patients and providers. The worst offenders included four of the top 10 recipients of medical research funding from NIH, which disclosed research results late or not at all at least 95% of the time since reporting became mandatory in 2008."
You can read the report
“Unsettling” Memoir and the War on Cancer
The New Yorker has reviewed Vincent T. DeVita’s explosive memoir, The Death of Cancer. DeVita, the former head of the National Cancer Institute, "has written an institutional history of the war on cancer. His interest is in how the various factions and constituencies involved in that effort work together—and his conclusions are deeply unsettling." For the full book review consult The New Yorker. For another review, consult The New York Times .
Memorable Healthcare Quotes of 2015 From Becker’s Hospital Review On the record: 50 best healthcare quotes of 2015:
"Bob Dylan, to improve my language skills, I've read all your lyrics. I can read 800 million pages per second. My analysis shows your major themes are time passes and love fades." IBM Watson, artificial intelligence robot that moved into health IT this year, on Bob Dylan's repertoire
"I have this fundamental belief the infrastructure of healthcare is obsolete. It's all pre-Internet. But because we love healthcare and because it's a public good, we create a regulatory environment where it's hard for it to die." Jonathan Bush, cofounder, CEO and president of Watertown, Mass.-based athenahealth National Healthcare Innovation Summit in June
"Approach it like just another dog and pony show. You'll be able to handle it. I leaned on that a whole lot more early in my career than I do today, but it's simple advice that anyone can use in a variety of settings — calm down, take a deep breath and go." Kevin Lofton, CEO of the Englewood, Colo.-based Catholic Health Initiatives, on how to manage uncertainty
Who’s In Charge? A Truly Hair-Raising Answer! What do Zorro, Tarzan, and the Three Musketeers have in common? If history and legends are correct, mustaches. Additionally, they could be welcomed by an elite group of medical school leaders who outnumber women in leadership roles in top U.S. institutions.
A recently published British Medical Journal study reports on the results of an analysis of the photos of 1,018 medical department leaders from top U.S. medical schools funded by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers found 190 were mustachioed men and 130 were women. This equates to 19 percent men with mustaches and 13 percent women. Wehner MR, Nead KT, Linos K, Linos E. Plenty of moustaches but not enough women: cross sectional study of medical leaders. BMJ. 2015 Dec 16;351:h6311. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h6311. PubMed PMID: 26673637
10 most-Googled symptoms of 2015
In February Google launched its health conditions feature allowing users to ask about common health conditions. An expanded and updated health information search was introduced in September with collaboration from physicians from Google and Mayo Clinic to validate the information.
1. Flu
2. Gallbladder infection
3. Measles
4. Listeria
5. Sinus infection
6. Gastritis
7. Anxiety attack
8. H. Pylori infection
9. Heat stroke
10. Lactose intolerance
Best Medical Inventions of 2015 TIME has released its annual list of the year's best inventions -including several related to health care. The items below are taken verbatim from the website:
· Clean water, from a book: People in developing countries can use the Drinkable Book's thick pages—which also contain instructions—to filter water. In testing, the filters killed more than 99% of bacteria, and researchers are exploring whether they can kill other contaminants like viruses, too.
· Personal gluten sensor: 6SensorLabs' Nima gluten sensor, which starts shipping next year, takes the guesswork out of knowing if your food is gluten free, TIME says. Drop a small sample of food or drink into the device's well and—in as little as two minutes—the test is complete.
· Cloud-powered stethoscope: The Eko Core stethoscope attachment transmits heartbeat data to the cloud. Physicians can analyze the data with a smartphone app, which compares the data with previous recordings to spot problems like heart murmurs.
Dictation Mistakes – The gift that keeps on giving He is concerned because the eyelids are old and had been in the refrigerator for a long time.
Chief complaint: “increased worriation”
Heart: “holy systolic murmur”
Patient expired and was discharged home
Patient sitting up comfortably, eating her lung
89 yr female with history of remote middle cerebral ornery smoke
Borderline respectable pancreatic cancer
Patient discharged home with hot mother
This is a 981 year old female with a host of medical problems
The patient was breathing heavily with no signs of respiration
No complaints, patient is friendly in bed
Was This Gift Under Your Tree?
Keeps food chilled while keeping lunch thieves away. Only $12.99 at fine retailers.

Feb 25, 2016 – CAHSLA - Clifton Branch Library Tour – 5:00 pm Presentation and Business Meeting to follow
April 13, 2016 – CAHSLA - Tech Convo- UC HSL Library 5-7 pm – Members and Invited guests present Lightning Talks on Favorite Technology Tools
May 13 – 18, 2016 – MLA Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON Canada
June – CAHSLA - Picnic – Date/Time/Location – TBA
Oct 21 - 25, 2016 - Midwest Chapter MLA - Joint Meeting with Midcontinental Chapter Des Moines, IA