Warmest wishes everyone,
I’d like to start by expressing thanks and gratitude to everyone in our organization, especially CAHSLA’s wonderful Program Committee, officers, and those who make it all happen. Our first event for this year was a tour of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Archives on September 19, led by Sarah Patterson, M.L.S., Archdiocesan Archivist, followed by a meeting and meal at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County main location downtown. Special thanks to Cara Yurkowski and Lisa McCormick for arranging this evening’s events.
We held our fall business meeting and received a tour of the Cincinnati Observatory on October 16, which allowed attendees to catch a glimpse of the International Space Station passing overhead, before viewing additional sights through the vintage telescopes. Special thanks to Amy Koshoffer for organizing this program.
Finally. CAHSLA held our annual holiday party on December 13 at the Lloyd Library & Museum. CAHSLA provided several excellent main courses, while attendees brought other tasty choices for dinner and dessert, making for a fun and festive evening at the Lloyd. Since CAHSLA has supported a worthy charity each year, this year Edith Starbuck organized a children’s book drive benefiting Churches Active In Northside (CAIN). Thanks to everyone who attended, helped feed us, and brought books to share. Special thanks to Emily Kean and Don Jason for organizing and delivering the main course and tableware.
As the 2017-2018 CAHSLA President, I want to again thank everyone that attended these programs, as well as members who have been truly crucial to the success of our organization. We look forward to many more excellent programs and gatherings in the new year. I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season and hope to see you all in 2018!
Alex Herrlein, President
5:30-7:30ish pm
Attendees: Amy Koshoffer, Lisa McCormick, Edith Starbuck, Jennifer Pettigrew, Jennifer Steinhardt, Emily Kean, Diana Osborne, Cara Yurkowski, Alex Herrlein, Regina Hartman, Elaine Grigg Dean, Alex Grigg Dean, Barb Slavinski, 2 guests
CAHSLA met at the stately Cincinnati Observatory located in Mt. Lookout that was designed by famed-architect Samuel Hannaford. While eating subs from DiBella’s in the meeting room that used to include a telescope that was used to keep time, we learned about the Observatory’s history from John Ventre, Cincinnati Observatory Historian.
In brief, the Cincinnati Astronomical Society originally built the Observatory on Mt. Ida (currently named Mt. Adams) on land owned by businessman Nicolas Longworth in 1842. The building was dedicated by former U.S. President, John Quincy Adams. Then Board Member John Kilgour donated 4 acres in Mt. Lookout where the current Observatory was built in 1873 to avoid the city’s pollution. Post World War II, the Observatory became the Minor Planet Center of the International Astronomical Union. The Observatory Library Collection has many challenges related to processing, ownership, and funding issues. Afterward we toured the rest of facility, including the room of the 1904 Clark Refractor telescope. Listening to the movement of the dome’s panels was an eerie experience. From there we walked outside and viewed the glittering dot of the International Space Station fly over our heads. At this point I had to leave the meeting, but the rest of the group went back inside the Observatory and continued the tour.
Thanks to Amy Koshoffer for organizing this fun and interesting event!
Submitted by: Jennifer Pettigrew, Secretary
Attendees: Alex Herrlein, Don Jason, Amy Koshoffer, Edith Starbuck, Jennifer Pettigrew, Regina Hartman, Gabrielle Hopkins, Jennifer Steinhardt, Cara Yurkowski, Emily Kean, Val Purvis, Sharon Purtee
This year CAHSLA members gathered at the festively-decorated Lloyd Library and Museum to celebrate the holiday season. The evening was very casual and relaxed as we enjoyed food, drinks, and fellowship in the Lloyd’s meeting room located off the main room. New children’s books were collected by Edith Starbuck to give to CAIN (Churches Active in Northside), a neighborhood ministry that includes a women and children’s shelter, food pantry, and free community dinners. After eating we viewed the beautiful Winter Greens exhibition. Thank you to Don Jason for ordering the wings, wraps, and antipasto platter; and, thanks to Alex Herrlein for hosting!
Look for an upcoming email about the next programming event: Tech Talk to be held in February. Location details are still pending.
Submitted by: Jennifer Pettigrew, Secretary
as of 09/26/2017:
Membership Checks (3)
Membership Cash (1)
Meeting Attendee Fees
Cash for Meeting
Food for Meeting
Add’t Food for Meeting
Observatory Meeting Space
Dibella’s Misc Charge
Drinks for holiday meeting
Supplies for holiday meeting
Food for holiday meeting
as of 12/18/2017:
as of 09/26/2017:
as of 12/18/2017:
as of 12/18/2017:
12 Regular (Paid)
1 Student (Paid)
12 Life Members
Respectfully submitted by Emily Kean, Treasurer
Annual Holiday Book Drive
Edith Starbuck coordinated our annual holiday book drive for 2017. One of the highlights of the annual holiday party is the opportunity to browse through the great variety of books donated by members. This year, 44 books were collected to benefit CAIN Churches Active in Northside. Thanks to all for making this collection such a success!
UC Sponsored Mapathon Aids First Responders
When disaster strikes an area, knowing where to set up relief efforts is a critical factor for successful efforts. Supplies and relief workers need to get into the area close to people affected and be out of harm’s way to set up a stable and effective relief recovery base. One way to know where to do this is to make use of the growing availability of open data and open tools. Recently, UC Libraries partnered with the Cincinnati-Dayton Region office of the Red Cross and the Geography Graduate Student Association (GGSA) to hold a Missing Maps mapathon. The goal of a mapathon is to identify structure markers in the area to help assist the Red Cross in emergency response efforts. During the UC mapathon, volunteers use Open Street Maps, to identify buildings in a potential or current distressed area.

Open Street Maps is an open global spatial data source developed by mappers licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License.
Twenty volunteers from the University of Cincinnati Cincinnatus scholarship program and UC Department of Geography, UC Libraries, and the Red Cross gathered at Langsam Library on a Saturday morning in November. Red Cross interns Michael Gladstone and Meri Sambou led the group through a brief training on Open Street Maps and explained the task assigned. Then the volunteers set to work for the next four hours identifying building locations from aerial imagery in the target area.
After the buildings in an area are identified, the data will be confirmed by other volunteers working in the field.
The Red Cross provided a pizza lunch and motivational music to keep spirits high. This was the first of hopefully many more mapathons to come.
Submitted by Amy Koshoffer
Amy Koshoffer was a presenter at the ALAO Ohio IR Day. Here presentation was, "The Library’s Role in Data Management Support: A Perspective from UC Libraries."
Edith Starbuck, Sharon Purtee, (2017) "Altmetric scores: short-term popularity or long-term scientific importance", Digital Library Perspectives, Vol. 33 Issue: 4, pp.314-323, https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-01-2017-0005
Our Miami Valley Hospital colleagues Shirley Sebald-Kinder and Janet Petty had this article published: Resources for Hematology On and Off the Web. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2017 Sep;29(3):377-387.
The Cincinnati Chapter of the Special Libraries Association election results include four CAHSLA Colleagues. Congratulations to all!
Elaine Grigg Dean – President – Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Pratt Library
Amy Koshoffer - President-Elect – University of Cincinnati Libraries
Emily Kean – Treasurer – University of Cincinnati Libraries
Edith Starbuck – Secretary – University of Cincinnati Libraries
Ted Baldwin – Past President – University of Cincinnati Libraries

MeSH is the National Library of Medicine (NLM) controlled vocabulary thesaurus that is updated annually. NLM uses the MeSH thesaurus to index articles from thousands of biomedical journals for the MEDLINE/PubMed database and for the cataloging of books, documents, and audiovisuals acquired by the library. Continue reading here for Overview of Vocabulary Development and Changes for 2018 MeSH, Totals by Type of Terminology, and Changes of Note for 2018.

PubMed(r) for Librarians: Introduction
January 10 , 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Learn the difference between PubMed and MEDLINE
Brief introductions to MeSH, automatic term mapping and subheadings
Learn what happens when you run a basic PubMed search, assess your search results and analyze search details
Several ways to search for a known citation
PubMed(r) for Librarians: MeSH
January 17, 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Learn how to leverage the National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) database to build a search
Learn about the 4 different types of MeSH terms
We'll investigate the structure of the MeSH database (spoiler alert...it's hierarchical) and look at the components of a MeSH record.
PubMed(r) for Librarians: Automatic Term Mapping
January 24, 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Learn how PubMed uses Automatic Term Mapping (ATM) to map your keyword searches to the controlled vocabulary of the MeSH database.
Learn how ATM helps you search effectively with keywords.
We will also look at the explosion feature, what is and isn't included in Search Details
We will explore how to search for phrases in PubMed (spoiler alert...there's a phrase index)
PubMed(r) for Librarians: Building and Refining a Search
January 31, 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
This class will focus on using some of the tools and features built into PubMed that are designed to help you search more effectively.
We will learn how to use MeSH terms the way Indexers do and we'll explore the Index feature to build a search and explore a topic.
We will explore the Filters Sidebar and Topic-Specific Queries as tools for building a focused search.
PubMed(r) for Librarians: Using PubMed's Evidence-Based Search Features
February 7, 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Looking for a specific type of study? This class will explore the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used for indexing studies
We'll explore 3 PubMed features that facilitate evidence-based searching
Explore the Clinical Queries tool that includes a Systematic Review search hedge (PubMed calls it a filter)
We'll take a quick look at PubMed Health as a source for published systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness research
PubMed(r) for Librarians: Customization with My NCBI
February 14, 2018 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Create a My NCBI account before class: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/account/register/
We'll give you lots of time to customize your MyNCBI account
Learn what a My NCBI account can do for you
We'll look at the built-in My NCBI tools that help you manage your PubMed searches.
Sharing My NCBI Collections
We'll explore available My NCBI filters, why you want to use My NCBI filters and how to create a custom filter.

Read Patti Brennan, Director of the National Library of Medicine, post on the importance of all librarians – those at the point of reference to those behind the scenes - who aid patrons in their quest for really good answers.

SHAKE, RATTLE & ROLL! You are invited to attend the 2018 Midwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA) Conference on October 5-8, 2018, in Cleveland, Ohio!
This is the Midwest Chapter of Medical Library Association Annual Meeting and Conference, which is a regional chapter of the Medical Library Association. For more information, visit the conference website.
· Dr. Patricia Flatley Brennan, who is the Director of the National Library of Medicine, shares the latest on precision medicine and National Library of Medicine initiatives.
· Catherine Hakala-Ausperk, who is a Midwest Chapter Medical Librarian, talks with us about effective ways to manage work and life.
· Meet our own Midwest RockStar Librarian – Cathy Murch!
Registration for attendees opens on April 14, 2018. Click here to see the conference room rates and options at The Westin today! We encourage you to consider reserve lodging sooner rather than later, because the Cleveland Indians or Cleveland Browns could be in town and playing the same weekend as the conference. The last day to reserve a conference hotel room is September 21, 2018!

The article gives an overview of cyberchondria and offers suggestions for librarians to assist this group in finding credible information with the potential to lessen the anxiety these individuals experience when searching for health information. She also introduces the reader to the Cyberchondria Severity Scale.
Librarian Outreach as a Critical Element That Impacts Patient Outcomes. Caroline Marshall, Bernice Coleman, Janet Hobbs & Fozia Ferozali. J Hosp Librarianship Winter 2017 Pages: 323-331.
The article describes the activities of the public services librarian at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles, CA) serving on a number of committees, particularly with Magnet related committees, and why such activity is an important part of a library’s marketing strategy. I must admit, what drew me to read the article was the concept of impacting patient outcomes through such outreach activities, however, the authors do not clearly address how such participation impacts said outcomes. Disappointing.

“People who often read on electronic devices may have a difficult time understanding scientific concepts, according to researchers. They suggest that this finding, among others in the study, could also offer insights on how reading a scientific text differs from casual reading.”
“In a study, a group of adult readers who frequently used electronic devices were significantly less successful on a reading comprehension test after reading several scientific articles compared to those who used those devices less frequently, said Ping Li, professor of psychology and associate director of the Institute for CyberScience, Penn State.”

The trailer for Emilio Estevez's film, "the public," shot in Cincinnati has been released.
"the public" centers around a standoff with police and library officials when library patrons, many of whom are homeless and mentally ill, stage a sit-in, turning the Cincinnati Public Library into an impromptu homeless shelter for one night during a brutal, life-threatening cold snap.”
The film was directed and written by Estevez and stars Alec Baldwin, Taylor Schilling, Jena Malone and Che "Rhymefest" Smith.
Filming was done in the library and around Cincinnati. No release date has been announced for the film.

As the end-of-the year is in sight, we are seeing reports on “books of the year” or “best books” for 2017. NPR offers the Book Concierge and HuffPost put together their list of the Best Fiction Books of 2017.

” In a recent study, researchers at Brookings attempted to quantify that change across the U.S. economy, using Department of Labor data on the digital requirements of 545 different occupations. They found that 95% of those occupations became more digital between 2002 and 2016, meaning that computers became a more important part of the job. The researchers combined several measures of an occupation’s use of digital technology into a digital score, ranging from zero (least digital) to 100 (most digital).”
On the site, you can search by occupation. Librarians receive a digital score of 66/100. The median salary for librarians is listed as $59,870.

An ongoing dispute between the new publisher, Taylor & Francis, and the editorial board recently led to the resignation of the editorial board.
“For much of its 22-year existence, few outside the corner of science devoted to toxic chemicals paid much attention to the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. But now, a feud has erupted over the small academic publication, as its editorial board — the scientists who advise the journal’s direction and handle article submissions — has accused the journal’s new owner of suppressing a paper and promoting “corporate interests over independent science in the public interest.” More is at stake than just the journal’s direction”

Bob Kieserman, in his article for the Inquirer, “A good librarian can do a lot for your health,” writes: “While many medical librarians work in a library housed in the hospital, others work right in the operating room, accessing information for surgeons as they need it. Others roam the hospital equipped with laptops and help the doctors and nurses on the patient floors.”

“Twenty years ago, PubMed was a credentialing system, an online port of the MEDLINE index. This shift of medium quickly made it a search engine, but one built on a manual and highly curated index. If your journal was in MEDLINE/PubMed, it had gone through an exhaustive evaluation, and had earned a badge of legitimacy. You were searching a credentialing system. You were getting filtered results based on MEDLINE inclusion criteria, which were well-accepted.”
The story continues, “Now, a new twist is emerging, and that seems to be that PubMed may be consciously or unwittingly acting as a facilitator of predatory or unscrupulous publishing.
In a paper published in Neuroscience, the authors analyzing the neurology and neuroscience journals included in PubMed found that:
Twenty-five predatory neurology journals were indexed in PubMed, accounting for 24.7% of all predatory neurology journals.
Fourteen predatory neuroscience journals were indexed in PubMed, accounting for 16.1% of all predatory neuroscience journals.
Only one of the 188 predatory neuroscience or neurology journals appeared in the DOAJ index.
Only 54.6% of the journals deemed predatory in neuroscience actually contained articles.”

The sudden disappearance of Colorado librarian Jeffery Beall's "Beall's List" of predatory journals in early 2017 left an information hole and sparked a lot of discussion about the why's of the sudden demise of the list. Rick Anderson, The Scholarly Kitchen blog, provides some background and an assessment of the new fee-based Cabell's Blacklist in the article "Cabell’s New Predatory Journal Blacklist: A Review." Cabell's is a long-standing publisher of an international journal directory. According to Anderson, subscribing to Cabbell's requires a custom quote for your institution, and he provides a link in the article to the Cabell's page to request a quote.
Adding to the mystery of the Beall’s List demise is a list using Beall’s in its name. However, the disclaimer on the site states that the person behind the list wishes to remain anonymous – “for obvious reasons.”
Anderson takes issue with Cabell's approach arguing that the criteria Cabell is using is more quality focused (i.e. spelling and grammar issues) instead of deceptive or predatory publishing practices. He also notes, that at this early stage, some journals included in the product lack information about the reasons/practices that landed the publisher on the Blacklist.
Some additional stories about Cabell's Blacklist: Nature https://www.nature.com/news/pay-to-view-blacklist-of-predatory-journals-set-to-launch-1.22090

Top 50 Librarian Blogs and Websites for Librarians. “The Best Library blogs from thousands of top Library blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week.” Browsing the site, I found blogs with names such as Feral Librarian, Free Range Librarian, and No Shelf Required. Most surprising of all? On 12/7/2017, the Top 50 lists only listed 45 blogs.

Each December the highly-respected British Medical Journal (BMJ) publishes The Christmas Issue. Some years are more frivolous than others, according to some faithful readers. This year's issue included research papers on "the full moon and motorcycle related fatality," “association of rain fall and diagnoses of joint pain” and “demand for emergency medical services during epidemic thunderstorm asthma.” Bah, humbug. We can count on the issue for some lighter fare such as, "Things that go BONG! in the night," "wine glass size in England from 1700 to 2017," and "Doctor fails: early warning signs of physician fatigue?" According to this latter article, doctors say (and do) the darndest things when they are sleepy.
· I put a stethoscope to a man’s back and instead of saying “deep breath” I said “hello” like I was answering the phone.
· I left a message for a colleague, and at the end said ‘love you’.
· I always knock before entering a patient room. Sometimes I knock on patient room doors as I exit. I was so tired the other day that I knocked on my own office door before walking in to sit at my desk.
· My colleague once put a speculum in for a pap exam and told patient to say 'Ahhh'.
· As I was leaving an exam room I told a middle aged guy to remove his pants and that I would be back with my magnifier (dermatology).
· After finishing dictating, I left a voice mail message with all the punctuations, comma and period.
· I went to Subway for a sandwich and instead of saying, “lettuce, tomato “I started listing out the risks of surgery, “bleeding, infection”.
· I tried to unlock my car with my hospital badge.
· I told a patient to put their feet above their head (instead of arms) so I can do a breast exam.
· Education limited by short attention spam
· Neoplasm of uncertain behavior
· She went to a local restaurant where she had a colonoscopy
· Seen by two different ER Dics
· We changed the dressing for the 92-year-old femur fracture
· Blood explosure
CT the head shows a subarachnoid hemorrhoid
Final thoughts:
“Never ask Google for medical advice. I went from mild headache to clinically dead in three clicks.” Patient to physician in the ED.