Greetings Colleagues and Friends,

would also like to acknowledge the commitment and effort shown by
CAHSLA’s Program Committee. The committee’s membership includes: Elaine
H. Grigg
Dean, Amy Koshoffer, Edith Starbuck, Emily Kean, Regina Hartman and
Cara Yurkowski. This group has truly outdone itself by planning
thought-provoking and fun programs.
Here is a recap of what CAHSLA did this year:
kicked off the year with an exciting visit to the UC Winkler Center
back in September of 2016. Gino Pasi, Winkler Center Archivist, showed
numerous captivating medical treasures. We saw civil war surgery kits,
antique medical devices, and manuscripts with breathtaking
CAHSLA had an engaging program at the Lloyd Library in November of
2016. Alex Herrlein, CAHSLA Vice President, provided CAHSLA with a
the scenes tour of the Lloyd Library. The group learned more about this
historic institution while having the opportunity to view the newly
installed “It's a Trip: A FotoFocus Exhibit.”
true CAHSLA fashion, the Program Committee planned an exceptional
holiday party in December of 2016. This year CAHSLA broke with
convention and
decided to host its holiday party at the UC Bearcat Lounge in lieu of a
member’s home. This year, CAHSLA donated books to WordPlay, a local
organization that fosters a love of reading and writing in children and
On January 25th
CAHSLA took a tour of the Makerspace Space at the Xavier University
Libraries. The tour was led by Christian Sheehy, Digital
Initiatives Librarian. CAHSLA learned that the Xavier University
Library Makerspace houses a host of different technologies including: 3D
Printers, 3D Scanners, Drones, Lego Robots, Laser Etcher, and many
other gadgets.
On April 5th CAHSLA took a tour of the UC Libraries Preservation Lab. Holly Prochaska, Preservation Librarian, guided CAHSLA through this
state-of-the-art space. Holly and her team explained skills such as: book binding, paper making and paper marbling.
Finally, on June 13th
CAHSLA finished the year with our annual summer picnic. This year the
picnic was held in Mt. Airy Forest at the McFarlan
Woods Picnic Shelter. CAHSLA provided a pulled pork entrée while
members shared delicious side items and desserts. There was a brief
business meeting and plenty of time for networking and socializing with
would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped plan
or who attended these events. Have an enjoyable summer and I hope to see
you at a CAHSLA event this fall!
Don P. Jason III
CAHSLA President

McFarlan Woods Picnic Shelter, Mt. Airy Forest, June 13, 2017, 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Don Jason, Jennifer Heffron, Mr. Heffron, Peggy Frondorf, Lisa McCormick & fur-baby, Edith Starbuck, Amy Koshoffer & fur-baby, Alex Herrlein, Sharon Purtee, Cara Yurkowsi, Jennifer Steinhardt, Regina Hartman, Diana Osborne, Jennifer Pettigrew, Owen Pettigrew, Elaine Grigg Dean, Alex Grigg Dean
CAHSLA'S Annual Picnic was held at McFarlan Woods Picnic Shelter, Mt. Airy Forest. We enjoyed CAHSLA-provided pulled pork along with a delicious assortment of sides and desserts brought by members. No one left hungry! After eating, Don Jason led a brief business meeting and gave gifts to the Executive and Program Committee members for their service. Emily Kean presented Don with a gift for his service as President and thanked him for all of his program ideas for the year. A big thanks to Cara Yurkowsi and the rest of the Programming Committee for organizing the picnic and this year's events!
Alex Herrlein, Chair of the Elections Committee presented the new Executive Committee: Alex Herrlein as President, Jennifer Heffron Vice President/President Elect, Emily Kean as Treasurer, and Jennifer Pettigrew as Secretary.
It was fun to catch up with all who attended. Have a healthy summer!
Submitted by: Jennifer Pettigrew, Secretary
CAHSLA Program and Business Meeting Tour of Preservation Lab, University of Cincinnati, 5:30-7:00 pm, April 5, 2017
Attendees: Amy Koshoffer, Lisa McCormick, Edith Starbuck, Don Jason, Jennifer Pettigrew, Emily Kean, Val Purvis, Jennifer Heffron, Cara Yurkowski, Alex Herrlein, Regina Hartman, Sharon Purtee
On a mild spring evening, CAHSLA met at UC’s Langsam Library lobby before touring UC’s Preservation Lab. We learned about the many treatments and equipment used to preserve and conserve the collections of University of Cincinnati and the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County. To sum, the process is painstaking. It requires patience, dexterity, and an expert knowledge of chemistry. It is amazing how the conservators transform dry, crumpled pieces of paper, vellum, or books into museum quality display pieces! As book lovers, we were all very impressed by the custom-made book boxes and cradles.
Afterwards we ate subs from DiBella’s and held a brief business meeting in one of the Library’s conference rooms. Alex Herrlein discussed the upcoming CAHSLA elections and the need for candidates and Program Committee members. Don Jason invited everyone to attend the upcoming Cecil P. Striker Annual Lecture, “African American Physicians in Cincinnati: Past, Present, & Future,” on May 4th from 5-7:30 pm at Kresge Auditorium, UC. The discussion panel will be moderated by Dr. Elbert Nelson, from TCHHN. Look for an upcoming email from Emily Kean about inclusion in a CAHSLA listserv. Thanks to Amy Koshoffer and Emily Kean for organizing this fun and interesting event!
The next meeting is end of the association year annual picnic pot-luck, June, 13, 2017, Mt. Airy Forest, from 5:00 pm-dusk.
Submitted by: Jennifer Pettigrew, Secretary
as of 03/31/2017:
for Meeting
Dibella's Catering
Cincinnati Park Board Shelter Reservation
Kroger – Picnic food and supplies
Kroger – Picnic food and supplies
Just Q'in BBQ
President’s Gift Reimbursement
as of 06/16/2017:
as of 03/31/2017:
Postage Stamp
as of 06/16/2017:
as of
17 Regular (Paid)
1 Student (Paid)
12 Life Members
Respectfully submitted by Emily Kean, Treasurer
The 2017-2018 slate for officers was:
· Nominee for Vice-President/President Elect: Jennifer Heffron, TriHealth
· Nominee for Treasurer: Emily Kean, University of Cincinnati
· Nominee for Secretary: Jennifer Pettigrew, The Christ Hospital Health Network
On April 26, 2017, the election ballot was sent electronically. We are happy to report the following results:
- Vice-President/President Elect: Jennifer Heffron, TriHealth
- Treasurer: Emily Kean, University of Cincinnati
- Secretary: Jennifer Pettigrew, The Christ Hospital Health Network
extend a hearty thank you to the above listed members for giving of
their time and expertise in service to the organization. Congratulations
to all!
Alex Herrlein
CAHSLA Vice-President
CAHSLA Elections and Nominations Chair
Alex Herrlein
CAHSLA Vice-President
CAHSLA Elections and Nominations Chair

The theme for the 2017 annual meeting of the Medical Library Association was “Dream, Dare, Do.” This year’s recipient of the John P. McGovern Award Lectureship completely embodied the theme. Past awardees have included individuals from across many disciplines who sometimes speak to the challenges we face due to sociological or technological challenges like John J. Nance and Daniel Burrus. Other awardees offer a glimpse of futures and worlds we can only imagine, such as Mae Jemison, the first African American astronaut in space. And then there are those closer to the field of medical librarianship like Ben Goldacre, MD (Bad Science) or Atul Gawande, MD (The Checklist Manifesto) who make us think about the ethical implications surrounding practices in our intersecting professions.
This year’s awardee, Julie Angus, a Syrian-Canadian cyclist and rower, was the first woman to row across the Atlantic along with her husband, Colin, and co-recipient winner of the National Geographic Adventurer of the Year Award. Julie and Colin have several books recounting their adventures, an interesting website, and now careers as motivational speakers.
Julie admitted to being a ‘nerd’ with degrees in biology and psychology. An unlikely adventurer, Julie was truly afraid of sports and athletics as a child. But she decided that she was going to become more engaged in the physical world and took up cycling. While on a cycling adventure from Scotland to Syria, the idea to row unassisted across the Atlantic came to Julie and Colin. They had to invent a combination bicycle/boat/storage unit that was portable, functional and sea-worthy!
Julie talked about the mental preparedness and perseverance necessary to achieve your goals with stories that the average person could not even imagine. She also spoke to the necessity of meticulous planning for what you know and trying to plan for what you don’t know, hence the origin of the title of her 2009 book, Rowboat in a Hurricane. What I found most enjoyable about Julie’s presentation were her descriptions of the natural world of the ocean – the fish that became their ‘friends’, and the whales, dolphins and turtles that provided diversionary entertainment on the long and lonely journey.
The lecture was one of the more motivational and entertaining presentations I have attended at MLA. I found this quote from The Buddha that I think sums up the lesson I learned from Ms. Angus: “What we think, we become.”
Submitted by Lisa McCormick
Negotiating for Yourself and Your Library an Informative and Fun - MLA Panel Presentation
There were many informative presentations at the 2017 annual meeting of the Medical Library Association, but by far, this was the best session I attended. The room for this panel presentation was packed even though there were many competing presentations. The panelists were Kathel Dunn, Ph.D. Coordinator for the associate fellowship program at the National Library of Medicine; Kristi L. Holmes, Ph.D., Director of the Galter Health Sciences Library, Chicago; Cynthia L. Henderson, MILS, AHIP, Executive Director of the Louis Stokes Health Sciences Library, Howard University, Washington, DC; and moderator Ariel Deardorff, Data Services Librarian, UCSF San Francisco and formerly a NLM fellowship associate.
Deardorff, the moderator, set the stage for the presentation with her own experiences of negotiating for herself while she was a NLM fellow. The person she had to negotiate with was Kathel Dunn so we saw the negotiation from the perspective of the person doing the ask and the person, Dunn, being asked.
Dunn was the lead-off, and she talked about the emotions that can accompany making a request from a superior. She also provided tips on identifying what it is you want to ask for (this seems like a no-brainer, but actually it isn’t), how to make the ask, and “enlarging the pie” – what else matters to you besides money/salary? Dunn was really a fun presenter, and she had an audience participation exercise that had the room rocking!
Holmes followed and she provided the perspective of the hiring director and manager. Interestingly, Holmes encouraged the audience to make a request, because sometimes, as a manager you cannot act until someone voices a need or a preference. She also gave some tips for negotiating for those early in their library career versus individuals who are more seasoned in the profession. Holmes again reiterated the need to know what you want before entering into a negotiation and suggested having an engaging story about yourself to demonstrate your worth and value as a part of your negotiating strategy.
Henderson took the perspective of negotiating for your library. She gave some real-life examples of negotiating for space and improvements in the environment. In summary, Henderson related her experience of making “lemonade from lemons.”
Two books that were recommended are Ask for It: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever (2009) and Knowing Your Value: Women, Money, and Getting What You're Worth by Mika Brzezinski (2012). The website Ask a Manager was recommended for its tools on negotiating. Finally, the Youtube videos by Margaret Neale on negotiating were also recommended.
This was a great session for those new to the profession as well as seasoned professionals on negotiating for yourself and your library. There was something for just about everyone in the audience as a take-away nugget.
Submitted by Lisa McCormick
Cara Yurkowski will be joining the staff of the James N. Gamble Library (TCH) as a part-time eResources Librarian in mid-June. Cara will continue in her role at Tri-Health Good Samaritan at the same time she is enrolled in the library program at Valdosta State University. Cara found the time to be a member of the 2016-2017 Program Committee for CAHSLA. Congratulations and thanks, Cara!
by Amy Koshoffer I had many reasons to go to Charlottesville – my children played in a lacrosse tournament in nearby Richmond, we scheduled a college tour of U of Virginia and we visited Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson and UNESCO world heritage site. Still I had two even better reasons to visit – the Center for Open Science is located there and so is Barbarie Hill.
Barbarie is happily living the busy retired life and still serves as one of our two Chronicle editors. She invited my family to visit and stay with her and her husband in Charlottesville. We had a wonderful time visiting with Barbarie and Tom, hiking around their property, meeting their younger son and family, and indulging in the local cuisine. Barbarie is the person who gave me insight into the variety and depth of the information professional’s work experience during my MLIS 100 hour practicum.
Though I knew I wanted to be a librarian and was a student worker during college, I wanted more relevant experience in librarianship and particularly medical librarianship as part of my MLIS education. I reached out to Barbarie and she willingly accepted my request. It is not always easy to take on students as the mentor has to schedule time for instruction and design meaningful activities. Barbarie and the other staff members of the Pratt at the time were very generous with their time and knowledge. Barbarie allowed me to fully participate in the many aspects of a working information professional from interlibrary loan, reference work, special projects, and teaching i.e. workshops on evidence based medicine. Through my practicum, I developed the ideas for my master’s thesis and I first learned about CAHSLA. I cannot express enough how valuable CAHSLA has been to my professional development. I am indebted to Barbarie for opening my eyes and enriching my education as an information professional.
My second great reason was to visit the Center for Open Science. The mission of the COS is to promote transparency, openness and reproducibility in science and realizes this mission through development of tools and resources such as the Open Science Framework and the SHARE initiative. I met Jolene Esposito who is the Community Programs Lead and contact for the COS ambassador program which I have recently joined. She gave my husband and me a tour of the amazing facility.
The offices have the open concept and flexibility of a state of the art tech company with undesignated office space, modern amenities like a kitchen and whiteboard walls, treadmill working spaces and a large classroom/group learningspace. We even got free COS swag – tee shirts!!
As data services support is a major component of my work, the Center is an invaluable resource for me. I look forward to the chance to return to the Center for a train-the-trainer event or other professional development opportunity.
So much to do in Charlottesville and so little time.
Free Grant Writing Workshop
OHSLA (the Ohio Health Sciences Library Association) is offering a free grant writing workshop on August 25 at the Akron-Summit Public Library presented by the Foundation Center in Akron. See the website for registration details.
Save the Date – Midwest Chapter MLA 2017 Oct. 13 -16
The Midwest Chapter and the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association will hold a joint meeting in Yipsilanti, MI. According to the meeting website, award-winning investigative reporter Curt Guyette will detail his work on the Flint, MI public health disaster surrounding the toxic contamination of its water system. A panel presentation on “Educating the 21st Century Physician” is also planned, along with continuing education courses, papers, posters, and special events.
NNLM Online Training
Join the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Training Office (NTO) for our free PubMed(r) for Librarians series. Take one or more (or all) of the classes.
Details and links to registration are below. All times are Eastern.
1. PubMed(r) for Librarians: Building and Refining a Search
June 30, 2017 1 PM - 2:30 ET
This class will focus on using some of the tools and features built into PubMed that are designed to help you search more effectively.
We will learn how to use MeSH terms the way Indexers do and we'll explore the Index feature to build a search and explore a topic.
We will explore the Filters Sidebar and Topic-Specific Queries as tools for building a focused search.
2. PubMed(r) for Librarians: Using PubMed's Evidence-Based Search Features
July 7, 2017 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Looking for a specific type of study? This class will explore the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) used for indexing study design
We'll explore 3 PubMed features that facilitate evidence-based searching
Explore the Clinical Queries tool that includes a Systematic Review search hedge
We'll take a quick look at PubMed Health as a source for published systematic reviews of clinical effectiveness research
3. PubMed(r) for Librarians: Customization with My NCBI
July 14, 2017 1 PM - 2:30 ET
Learn about the advantages of creating a My NCBI account.
We'll look at the built-in My NCBI tools that help you manage your PubMed searches.
We'll explore available My NCBI filters, why you want to use My NCBI filters and how to create a custom filter.
This newly revamped and restructured series of interactive workshops will introduce new users to the basics of using EDirect to access exactly the PubMed data you need; in the format you need.
Younger Physicians Reject the Hippocratic Oath
A recent poll of physicians and medical students conducted by Medscape reveals that there is a stark difference based on age regarding the usefulness of the Hippocratic Oath. According to the website Medscape , “Medscape has surveyed more than 2,600 physicians and 134 medical students since last November on the subject, finding stark differences in opinions of the oath based on age. For example, 70 percent of physicians ages 65 and older said the Hippocratic Oath was very meaningful to them, compared to 39 percent of physicians under age 34. And 64 percent of physicians ages 65 and older reported they recited the Hippocratic Oath in its original form, compared to 39 percent of physicians under age 34.”
The story goes on to report that the reason younger physicians are rejecting the Hippocratic Oath is that it is ‘patient focused.’ According to the survey, these physicians state that they cannot always put the patient first, and that the “patient first focus” leads to physician burn-out.
Some physicians are choosing other declarations to guide them, such as the “Declaration of Geneva — a modern revision of the Hippocratic Oath adopted by the General Assembly of the World Medical Association after World War II — and the oath by Louis Lasagna, MD, a clinically renowned pharmacology expert who penned his own revision in 1964.”.
20 Most Commonly Googled Diseases
Past research has found an increasing reliance of consumers on the web to find health information. It is always interesting to see the trends in the conditions that are searched, and thanks to Google, we know what those conditions are. See the story on StatNews for the complete list. The story also notes that the word cyberchondria – “what happens when searching for medical information starts to become a condition unto itself” - has been added to the lexicon.
1. Diabetes
2. Depression
3. Anxiety
4. Hemorrhoid
5. Yeast infection
Local Hospital Shines in Psychological Thriller
The Christ Hospital had a prominent role in a film starring Nicole Kidman and Colin Farrell. The film was shot ‘in secret’ at TCH and in Hyde Park in 2016 and is described as a “psychological thriller with a supernatural element inspired by the works of ancient Greece tragedian Euripides.” At the 2017 Cannes Film Festival, the film received the “Best Screenplay” award. Not all the news is good, though, about the film. One news report described audience as booing at the film’s premiere at Cannes.
Mercantile Library Adds Coffee Bar According to Polly Campbell of the Cincinnati Enquirer, Adesso Coffee is now serving espresso, coffee and tea at the famed Mercantile Library Tuesday through Friday. Chuck Pfahler, formerly of La Terza coffee roasters, opened the coffee bar incorporating coffee grinders and other equipment that will not disturb serious readers at the library.
Dictation Bloopers
· The patient developed chest pain and dyspnea on my arrival.
· Urology consult - "Pt standing in room voiding.
· Will continue with pulmonary toiletries.
· Patient was transferred in stale condition.
· She has a remote history of smoking alcohol.
· Apparently, his pain is worse with breathing.
· Non-respectable liver tumor
· This case will be discussed at Beast Conference
· Patient denies SOB but husband is SOB [clarification: shortness-of-breath aka dyspnea]
Final Thought: There’s a Website for That - Quotes about the media and journalism
In an age where the media, journalism and journalists are as likely as not “to be” the story, where might you find some quotable quotes on the subject? Well check out The Quote Garden - I Dig Old Books – where the quotes “range from the sublime to the ridiculous.”
Here are a few gems:
· The more I observe the main effects of a free press, the more convinced am I that, in the modern world, freedom of the press is the principal and, so to say, the constitutive element in freedom. ~Alexis de Tocqueville (1805–1859)
· They kill good trees to put out bad newspapers. ~James G. Watt, quoted in Newsweek, 1982 March 8th
· If you saw a man drowning and you could either save him or photograph the event... what kind of film would you use? ~Author Unknown