The impending new year is always a time of reflection for me. In looking back on the programming we’ve had thus far for CAHSLA, I think we’ve had some amazing offerings during our “lean” programming year. The most recent holiday happy hour was a great example of the type of socializing and networking that CAHSLA membership affords.
Looking forward to 2020, we’re already anticipating some exciting changes, especially in regards to the new PubMed interface. I’m a big proponent of the “tech jam” style of learning: everyone comes together with their current projects or burning questions and bounces ideas of our their peers in real time. It almost always leads to immediate solutions. In Wednesdays in January, we hope you join us for our Tech Jam “PubMed & Pizza” series. We’ll be meeting in Classroom A at The Christ Hospital on January 8th, 15th, 22nd, and 29th from 4:30 to 6 pm. Bring a couple bucks if you want pizza, and come and learn with and from your CAHSLA colleagues.
And, of course, I’d be remiss to not acknowledge the amazing executive committee for CAHSLA this year. Thank you to Vice President/President Elect Jennifer Pettigrew, Treasurer Cara Yurkoswki, Secretary Lisa McCormick, Chronicle Editors Lisa McCormick and Barbarie Hill, and the Technology Committee Amy Koshoffer and Steve Pfeiffer. And thank you and Happy New Year to all of my CAHSLA colleagues who make up this wonderful organization!
Emily Kean
Enhanced Productivity Goal of Strengths Assessment Workshop
Gallup Strengths Assessment with Donald Crews 11.12.19 3-5 pm @ Interact for Health – Norwood.
Attendees - Edith Starbuck, Steve Pfeiffer, Cara Yurkowski, Amy Koshoffer, and Yvonne Davis plus facilitator Donald I. Crews.Cincinnati is a big city with a small town feel, and it is especially true within our library community. It is wonderful when we can combine efforts and offer joint programming with other professional organizations. On Nov 12th, CAHSLA partnered with SLA Cincinnati Chapter on the program “Gallup Strengths Assessment”. The session facilitator is also a familiar face. CAHSLA members first met Donald Crews, when he was transitioning from a librarian in the Dayton Metro Library system to an independent business owner and Clifton Strengths coach. Needless to say he knows the library community. [And hopefully everyone remembers the holiday games we played at that fun holiday party at the Taft!]
Prior to attending the event, all participants were asked to complete a Gallup Clifton Strengths Finder assessment and share the results with Donald. The theory behind this system is that we all have a unique combination of 34 characteristics (strengths), and better understanding can help each one of us to achieve our maximum potential. Our top 5 strengths and the order they manifest are unique to each one of us. The 34 characteristics also represent 4 domains, Executing, Strategic Thinking, Relationship Building, and Influencing. Predominance of our strengths in these areas also helps us understand how we interact with our colleagues. Donald walked us through the highlights for each participant’s top five strengths, and provide us with insights based on our unique strengths. Then he put all the data together in a visualization that also showed the domains covered by each participant’s five strengths. It was very informative to learn about our own strengths, how that may manifest in our work, and what we share with and how we differ from other library colleagues. And the discussions helped us see how we could use this knowledge to be more productive in our working lives.
Amy Koshoffer, Contributor
Holiday Happy Hour! Gathering 2019
Location: Somm Wine Bar, Price Hill, 4:30 – 7:00
Attendees: Emily Kean, Elaine Griggs-Dean, Alex Herrlein, Amy Hughes, Amy Koshoffer, Lisa McCormick, Jennifer Pettigrew, Sharon Purtee, Edith Starbuck.
On a cold and clear December 10th, CAHSLA gathered at the Somm Wine Bar, located in the historic Incline District of Price Hill, to enjoy one another’s company as we enter the holiday season. The Incline District is experiencing a re-birth – home to the best views of the Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky skylines, the Warsaw Theatre, and Prima Vista, a long-standing Italian restaurant – with homes rehabbed, and recently, coffee and wine bars springing up in the surrounding streets.
We continued our tradition of collecting children’s books to donate to a community organization. This year the St. Elizabeth Hospital’s project to support reading to NICU babies was selected. We collected 26 board books, including classics like The Little Prince, Snowy Days, The Hungry, Hungry Caterpillar. We also received 3 hippo books, two related to the Cincinnati Zoo’s Fiona; books about kittens, dogs, and llamas; counting and ABC books; and a book about smelly toes. It was a festive evening in a lovely setting.
Lisa McCormick, Secretary
as of 09/25/2019:
Survey Member Payments
Contribution to Donald Crews Honorarium
from Cash Balance
LM Service Appreciation Gift
Crews Honorarium
Crews StrengthsFinder Survey Fees
as of 12/25/2019:
as of 09/25/2019:
for LM Service Appreciation Gift
to Checking Account
as of 12/25/2019:
as of
12 Regular (Paid)
11 Life Members
Respectfully submitted
by Cara Yurkowski, Treasurer
CAHSLA Calendar
- PubMed and Pizza
Mark your calendars now for our Tech Jam series on the new PubMed. Bring a couple bucks if you want pizza. Come learn with and from your CAHSLA colleagues Wednesdays in January:
January 8th 4:30-6 pm
January 15th 4:30-6 pm
January 22nd 4:30-6 pm
January 29th 4:30-6 pm
Location: The Christ Hospital, Classroom A
- Annual Business Meeting
Plan to attend the annual business meeting on March 24, 2020 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at the Lloyd Library and Museum, 917 Plum Street, Cincinnati, OH. We will have time to explore the Women in Botany Exhibit. One item on the agenda will be to ask for candidates to run for CAHSLA offices for the 2020 – 2021 association year. More details to follow.
- End of the Year Gathering
We are aiming for a June visit to Turner Farms in Indian Hill to learn about their preservation and nutrition education programs. Check out the Turner Farms blog: https://turnerfarm.org/blog/
In December, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden announced the annual selection of 25 of America’s most influential motion pictures to the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress. The annual event identifies films “because of their cultural, historic and aesthetic importance to the nation’s film heritage.”
Films Selected for the 2019 National Film Registry (alphabetical order):
Amadeus (1984)
Becky Sharp (1935)
Before Stonewall (1984)
Body and Soul (1925)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999)
Clerks (1994)
Coal Miner’s Daughter (1980)
Emigrants Landing at Ellis Island (1903)
Employees Entrance (1933)
Fog of War (2003)
Gaslight (1944)
George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute (1937)
Girlfriends (1978)
I Am Somebody (1970)
Last Waltz, The (1978)
My Name Is Oona (1969)
A New Leaf (1971)
Old Yeller (1957)
The Phenix City Story (1955)
Platoon (1986)
Purple Rain (1984)
Real Women Have Curves (2002)
She’s Gotta Have It (1986)
Sleeping Beauty (1959)
Zoot Suit (1981)
For a description of each film, see
The full list of the most-searched health questions in the United States this year also included questions about the flu, kidney stones and human papillomavirus or HPV:
1. How to lower blood pressure
2. What is keto?
3. How to get rid of hiccups
4. How long does the flu last?
5. What causes hiccups?
6. What causes kidney stones?
7. What is HPV?
8. How to lower cholesterol
9. How many calories should I eat a day?
10. How long does alcohol stay in your system?
Merriam Webster’s 2019 Word of the Year
“Merriam-Webster announced Tuesday that it has chosen “they” as the 2019 word of the year. The singular “they” is a pronoun used to refer to a person whose gender identity is nonbinary, a word that itself was added to the Merriam-Webster.com dictionary in September of this year.” Source:
The Perfect Dose by Jack Rubinstein, University of Cincinnati Heart, Lung and Vascular Institute, Cardiac Imaging Program
Passionately written science meets the human condition in this occasionally raunchy, at turns hilarious and ultimately illuminating novel. The Perfect Dose follows a run-of-the-mill Midwest physician as he throws himself into a headlong fight into the corrupt American healthcare system and those that threaten scientific progress.
A new treatment that could save millions of lives around the world has been developed in a nondescript lab in the Midwest, though the path to get it to patients is complicated by an anti-science administration that has swept into all levels of office across the United States. This novel takes the reader through an exhilarating ride through the depths of academia, the hallways of power and the bars that keep the scientific community from going crazy. This is an uncensored vision of what medical progress looks like in America in the 21st century.
"An original book that delves into the potential catastrophic effects of thwarting scientific advancement in the current healthcare system. Rubinstein interweaves humor with science, greed, and virtue that makes for a fascinating foray into a what if scenario involving a new treatment that gets lost in the red tape of an antiquated system. This funny and unique novel takes a look at hard truths in our administration that could block the advance of life-saving drugs and affordable healthcare."
--Taylor Larsen, author of Stranger, Father, Beloved
Passionately written science meets the human condition in this occasionally raunchy, at turns hilarious and ultimately illuminating novel. The Perfect Dose follows a run-of-the-mill Midwest physician as he throws himself into a headlong fight into the corrupt American healthcare system and those that threaten scientific progress.
A new treatment that could save millions of lives around the world has been developed in a nondescript lab in the Midwest, though the path to get it to patients is complicated by an anti-science administration that has swept into all levels of office across the United States. This novel takes the reader through an exhilarating ride through the depths of academia, the hallways of power and the bars that keep the scientific community from going crazy. This is an uncensored vision of what medical progress looks like in America in the 21st century.
"An original book that delves into the potential catastrophic effects of thwarting scientific advancement in the current healthcare system. Rubinstein interweaves humor with science, greed, and virtue that makes for a fascinating foray into a what if scenario involving a new treatment that gets lost in the red tape of an antiquated system. This funny and unique novel takes a look at hard truths in our administration that could block the advance of life-saving drugs and affordable healthcare."
--Taylor Larsen, author of Stranger, Father, Beloved
In the Literature
Evidence-Based Leadership Practice and the Role of the Librarian
Michael R. Bleich, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, FNAP, FAAN; Roy Brown, MLIS, AHIP
J Contin Educ Nurs. 2019;50(12):537–539
Abstract: Evidence-based clinical practice is now the norm. When evidence exists to enhance practice, organizational leaders work to instill the best practices that benefit patient outcomes. Leaders are also responsible for organizational outcomes and best practices in human and material resource management, improving the culture, and ensuring and retaining a workforce with sufficient talent, skills, and abilities. The authors address the role of the librarian in securing evidence-based leadership practice.
Medical library services in Switzerland: catching up with EBM
Bissels G, Klein SD, de Kaenel I.
Health Info Libr J. 2019 Dec;36(4):372-377. doi: 10.1111/hir.12284. Epub 2019 Nov 18.
Abstract: The feature is a part of the series about medical library services in various countries. It gives an overview of medical library services to support research, education and clinical practice in Switzerland. Data were collected by means of an online survey and set in the wider context of the Swiss healthcare system. Key findings are that library services, including support by academic librarians, are provided to health care staff in hospitals - both university and others, while there is no information service infrastructure to serve the large number of GPs and specialists who mostly run their own practice. The authors recommend that - if the health authorities take EBM seriously - information services should be introduced for these small practices. J.M.
Exploring the interface between biomedical sciences and the arts through the global sci/art network MEDinART
Vasia I. Hatzi MEDinART Creator; Biologist at Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Athens.
Journal of EAHIL 2019; Vol. 15 (4): 18-22. doi: 10.32384/jeahil15353 [The European Association for Health Information and Libraries} http://ojs.eahil.eu/ojs/index.php/JEAHIL/issue/view/131/15_4
MEDinART (www.MEDinART.eu) is a global and continuously growing network that links bio-medical sciences, technology and arts and features the work of 173 artists from 30 countries, who are inspired by aspects of biomedical sciences. It is an independent and self-funded project, free to the artists and the general public, that was launched at the main stage of TEDMEDLive Athens 2013.
The website is visually very appealing and nicely organized by various topics. A couple of the categories I took time to explore include:
Clara Castagne - Human shape onto an anatomical board
Corrine May Botz - Medical simulation and empathy
Cindy Stelmackowich - History of anatomy, the body and medicine
Stef Lenk - Medical arts and graphics
Libguide: Darnall Medical Library: Medical Humanism Collection
purpose of the Medical Humanism Collection at the Darnall Medical Library at
the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center is to foster empathy, improve
bedside manner, decrease burnout, and raise awareness of healthcare bias. The
collection is comprised of popular fiction and nonfiction books, with the majority
focused on healthcare topics.