As president I have the easiest job among the members of the executive members. I show up at the meetings after all the hard work is done! The program committee does “all the heavy lifting” coming up with new and exciting programs and venues. We all agree they have really come through this year with outstanding programming. At our first meeting, we learned about the archived history of Cincinnati and of medicine in Cincinnati from the knowledgeable staff at the Cincinnati Historical Society Library at the Museum Center. We celebrated the holidays at Lindner Park in Norwood. We paid attention to details with GMR Outreach Coordinator Holly Ann Burt and learned about changes to PubMed. And we had our annual business meeting at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center. We viewed the current art exhibit about the impact of job hunting and hard economic times on artists. At times, this hit very close to home. It has been a hard year for libraries and CAHLSA has felt its challenges. The program committee worked hard to get these meetings organized. I applaud your efforts.
During this year we congratulated several people on their hard work throughout the years. Jane Thompson and Barbarie Hill retired from UC and Children’s respectively. It is very difficult to see such friends leave their jobs, though we hope they can find time in their busy schedules to attend a CAHLSA meeting in the future. And at the final business meeting we learned that two more friends will leave. Penny Philpot has retired from Good Sam in March, and Meredith Orlowski will leave us to move to Philadelphia where her husband will start his residency. In her short tenure with CAHLSA, Meredith has served as secretary, VP/program chair and a model of elegance and intelligence. She will be unable to serve as president, but she has a much bigger office to fill soon. The mom-to-be will be moving to Philadelphia with a newborn in tow. Heaven help her (at least cook dinner once in a while). Change is hard, but often we end up in a better place. Meredith we wish you all the best in Philadelphia!! Thank you for all you have contributed to CAHLSA.
After dwelling on these few sad thoughts, I am really looking forward to the June picnic. This meeting is pure fun. The location will be announced soon and so will the new executive committee. Watch your mail/email for your election ballot and the picnic flyer. Mark your calendars when you get the picnic flyer and plan to join us for an enjoyable evening with colleagues. Be sure to read the CAHSLA Colleagues column in this issue of the Chronicle for some exciting information about our colleagues.
See you at the picnic.
Amy Koshoffer
CAHSLA Executive Committee
Upcoming Election Meeting
University of Cincinnati Lucas Board Room
March 1, 2010
Attendees: Stephanie Bricking, Cathy Constance, Emily Kean, Amy Koshoffer, Meredith Orlowski, Jane Thompson
The meeting was called to order at 3:45 p.m.
Meredith Orlowski announced that the business meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 7th at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center. A formal announcement will be made via e-mail as soon as plans are finalized.
The Year-To-Date Financial Report was presented by Cathy Constance, Treasurer. Assets currently total $3,157.66. There are 39 total members, including 27 paid full members, 2 paid student members and 10 life members.
The following nominations were discussed for the slate of nominees for the upcoming election:
Regina Hartman / Mike Douglas / Amy Koshoffer – President
Emily Kean – Vice President / President-Elect
Cathy Constance – Treasurer
Brigid Almaguer / Katie Wolf – Secretary
Stephanie Bricking / Katie Wolf – Program Committee
Jane Thompson – Archivist
Lisa McCormick – Chronicle Editor
Amy Koshoffer will contact the individuals not currently on the Executive Committee and confirm the slate with the current Executive Committee members before the election. Amy has also taken over Barbarie Hill’s position managing the CAHSLA website.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Emily Kean, Secretary
CAHSLA Business Meeting
Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC)
April 7, 2010
Attendees: Brigid Almaguer, Cathy Constance, Erin Deters (CCAC), Mike Douglas, Emily Kean, Amy Koshoffer, Sandy Mason, Lisa McCormick, Meredith Orlowski, Mary Piper, Val Purvis, Cecil Rahe, Emily Rahe, Barbara Slavinski, Edith Starbuck, Amy Stoneburner
The annual business meeting was held at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center (CCAC). Meeting attendees were given a history of the building and taken on a brief tour by CCAC’s Program Coordinator Erin Deters. The highlight of the tour was an art exhibit curated by Ms. Deters entitled Short Straw. More information about CCAC is available on their website:
The business meeting was called to order at 5:52 p.m. by President, Amy Koshoffer. Cathy Constance, Treasurer, stated that the treasury currently holds $3,158.38. CAHSLA membership is currently comprised of 27 full, 2 student, and 10 life members.
Amy Koshoffer announced the slate of candidates for the upcoming election. The nominated officers are: President – Regina Hartman; Vice President – Emily Kean; Treasurer – Cathy Constance; Secretary – Brigid Almaguer. Amy also announced that Lisa McCormick and Jane Thompson will be continuing as Chronical Editor and Archivist respectively.
A round robin of members included the following news:
• Barb Slavinski updated us on the latest from the Drake Center and reminded everyone that the April 21st deadline for the MLA early discount was fast approaching.
• Sandy Mason told everyone about the new Relationship-Based Care initiative at the VA Medical Center. Cathy Constance also shared that their location just hosted a visit by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
• Lisa McCormick updated the group on the purchase of the Jewish Hospital by Mercy Health Partners.
• Mike Douglas announced that Penny Philpot officially retired at the end of March. A job announcement for the vacant position will be posted shortly. Cathy Constance remarked that Penny would need to be added as a lifetime CAHSLA member.
• Emily and Cecil Rahe are busy downsizing their home library and donating their extra books.
• Val Purvis notified the group that the Rubenstein Library completed their move to their new location at 3430 Burnet Avenue. The Pratt Library is also considering reducing some of their print collection in favor of electronic resources.
• Brigid Almaguer fielded general questions about the programs offered by Cincinnati State.
• Amy Stoneburner announced that her employer, Bohecker College, changed its name to Fortis College as of April 1, 2010.
• Mary Piper updated us on the status of the UC Libraries. Meredith Orlowski announced to the group that she will be moving to Philadelphia, where her husband will begin his residency at the University of Pennsylvania. Edith Starbuck also noted that Meredith’s position at UC may not be filled.
• Emily Kean informed the group that she is slated to complete her Masters in Library Science degree this May.
• Amy Koshoffer reported that she is busy coordinating student workers in the UC Dermatology lab.
Meredith Orlowski updated the group that there is no date currently set for the June summer picnic. An announcement will be forth-coming.
The meeting was adjourned by Amy Koshoffer at 6:31 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Emily Kean, Secretary
CAHSLA Financial Report 2009-2010 Year-To-Date
Balance as of 6/12/2009 $ 469.33
Dues – 27 full, 2 student $421.00
Withdrawals domain renewal 50.00
Food – Sep meeting $231.11
Donation to Museum Center $ 75.00
Barbarie’s retirement reception $100.00
McCullough House donation $100.00
Dec party – supplies & drinks $ 42.10
Jane’s retirement party $ 50.00
Room rental – April meeting $ 35.00
Balance as of 4/13/2010 $ 207.12
Balance as of 6/12/2009 $2872.07
Interest (10 months) $ 8.67
Balance as of 4/13/2010 $2880.74
Cash on hand
Balance as of 6/12/2009 $ 35.52
Balance as of 4/13/2010 $ 35.52
Total Assets $3123.38
Members: 27 full
2 student
11 life
Submitted by: Cathy Constance, Treasurer 4/13/2010
Something New to Try in Your Library
Several libraries in the area have been using Amazon Wish Lists to encourage book donations to their collections. I did some research into this in order to provide suggestions and best practices that have been uncovered by some of our members. Please feel free to forward this to your acquisitions department please and consider setting up something like this for your library.
If SWON Libraries can assist you in any way, feel free to let me know. The staff talked about acting as an intermediary in this process, but it is really so simple, you should not need our assistance! If we can help as consultants, please feel free to contact us.
Using Amazon Wish Lists to Encourage Donations
The Clermont County Public Library has been using an Amazon Wish List to encourage book donations from their community. The Acquisitions Department set up the process and it works smoothly for them. In the first couple of months of using this method, the results have far exceeded their expectations. The staff had some great suggestions to pass along.
When you begin the project, start small, until you get used to the system. You can post just a few wish list items to see how the process works, then expand from there. There is not a lot of work involved in setting things up, it should be done with some thought, so you consider how you are describing your library, who is make the suggestions, how and where they will be shipped, and how to keep the list alive.
Make sure you have your internal processes in place for accepting the gifts before you set up the wish list. If you send out thank you notes for book donations, you will want to know how you are going to tie this process into the donations that come through Amazon.
Post a link to your Wish List on your website, and try to keep it near the top or in a visible place. At Clermont County, there is a link to the Wish List in their navigation bar on the left side of the screen (fifth item under "Quick Links" here: They saw strong usage of their Wish List when it was featured in a story on the home page while it was a top news item on their website. Now that the story has drifted down and off the page, the numbers of gifts donated in this way is dropping.
As your success grows, consider adding special lists for particular audiences, such as a children's collection list, a fiction list, audiobooks, DVDs, or crafts lists to support particular program areas.
For Clermont County, they found several people that wanted to make regular donations to their local branches. The library has also been using the Wish List to request local titles that they would not be able to afford in their regular budget. The local donors really like to donate these items in this way.
Several libraries have started the process, but it seems to need someone actively managing it to really make it successful. Make sure to update your lists with current selections.
If you would like to see some other libraries that are using Amazon Wish Lists, here are several in our area that we looked at in putting together this information:
State Library of Ohio
Clermont County Public Library
Preble County District Library
Salem Township Library
This technique should work for any type of library. As you can see, even the State Library of Ohio has a Wish List! There are also hospitals and colleges in Ohio that are using Amazon Wish Lists.
###I would like to thank Holly Varley at the Clermont County Public Library for her thoughts and ideas on their program.###
Anne K. Abate, Ph.D. Executive Director
SWON Libraries (serving Southwest Ohio and Neighboring Libraries)
10815 Indeco Drive, Suite 200
Cincinnati, OH 45241-2926
Voice 513-751-4422
Fax 513-751-0463
www.swonlibraries.orgDirectory of History of Medicine Collections
The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is pleased to announce the creation of the Directory of History of Medicine Collections database. This unique resource is available at:
The Directory of History of Medicine Collections aims to serve as a resource to provide information about history of health sciences collections worldwide. The collections described in the Directory database provide research, reference and interlibrary loan services to scholars interested in the history of the health sciences.
The database is keyword searchable, with the ability to refine your search results by categories: organization type, state/province, country, collection subject strengths and organization name.
To view the table of contents, which is arranged alphabetically by US state, and city, followed by other countries listed alphabetically, go to:
The NLM invites libraries, archives, and museums, which include in their collections holdings in the history of medicine and health sciences to become part of the Directory. For details on how to add your collection to the database, please see "About the Directory," at:
NLM encourages collections to keep their entries up to date. New and revised data can be sent directly to the History of Medicine Division. To learn more, click on the "Edit Your Collection" link on the main page and read, "How do I update or edit my collection listed in the Directory."
Ruth Holst, MSLS, AHIP, FMLA
Associate Director
NN/LM, Greater Midwest Region
University of Illinois at Chicago
Library of the Health Sciences
1750 W. Polk Street, MC763
Chicago, IL 60612
Phone: 312-996-6872
CAHSLA Colleagues
The news from Barbara Slavinski (Drake Center) is that the library continues to operate and serve its customers while the larger organization looks for a buyer. The Drake Center is an entity within the Health Alliance that includes University Hospital, West Chester Medical Center and Alliance Primary Care. The recent departure of Jewish Hospital has led to the unraveling of the Health Alliance.
Sandra Mason & Cathy Constance (VAMC) reported that the VA has some new initiatives. “Relationship-based care” is a model the system is adopting. In addition, the VA is focusing on learning organization, and this should include services and resources from the library.
Long-time member Penny Philpot (Tri-Health Good Samaritan) is retiring after 23+ years of service. We look forward to getting together with Penny in the near future for a celebration. Please join the library staff and guests at Penny’s celebration May 13th from 1- 4 p.m. in the library at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Emily & Cecil Rahe (Lifetime Members) will be traveling to South Carolina to celebrate the college graduation of their granddaughter.
Brigid Almaguer (Cincinnati State) reports that the library at the college remains very busy.
Meredith Orlowski (UC Health Sciences Library) has some major changes on the horizon. Husband Bob will begin his internal medicine residency at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in June. In early June, Meredith & Bob will be welcoming their first child. Val Purvis observed that there is definitely some connection between getting pregnant and having a large household move spring up at the same time! Meredith will have the support of her mom who will be coming to Cincinnati. Meredith has been an integral member of CAHSLA and did a phenomenal job on the program committee for the Midwest Chapter 2009 meeting. We will miss you, Meredith!
Amy Stevens (Fortis College) reported that on April 1 the college adopted a new name. Boehecker College, based in Sharonville with nursing, med tech, and dental education programs adopted the name Fortis from the colleges the system operates on the west coast. Amy has just finished reorganizing the library’s space and reports it appears much larger and has received positive comments from the students.
Emily Keene (The Christ Hospital) is approaching the finish line. With comps behind her and several large projects yet to complete, she will soon graduate from the UK school of library science. Congratulations, Emily!!
Regina Hartman (The Christ Hospital) is on a family vacation in Las Vegas, NV.
Edith Starbuck and Mary Piper (UC HSL) report that, like many of the other organizations in the area, they are coping with lots of changes. UC continues its efforts to be cost-efficient while facing budget shortfalls.
Lisa McCormick (The Jewish Hospital) provides this update: Mercy Health System purchased The Jewish Hospital on March 1, 2010. The name of the hospital will not be changed, and its Jewish identity will be preserved. The library is involved with all of the ‘back office’ type changes at this time: computer systems, payroll, policies and procedures, etc. Additionally, Lisa was appointed by OHSLA as the organization’s representative to the state Clear Health Communication Task Force based at Ohio State. One of the objectives of the task force is to promote greater awareness of low health literacy issues patients and families face when navigating the health care system.
Barbarie Hill (retired CCHMC) and her husband Tom sold their Cincinnati home very quickly. Now they are entirely based in Virginia.
Val Purvis (CCHMC) provides this update: The Rubinstein Library of Cincinnati Children’s which had space adjacent to the Pratt Library has moved to Children’s newest facility on Burnet Avenue. The new space for the Rubinstein Library required downsizing of the book & journal collection and the toy library. The Pratt Library continues on its path to migrate to more of an electronic collection.
Mona L. Chapin
March 16, 2010
COLD SPRING - Mona L. Chapin, 58, died Sunday, March 14, at West Chester Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. She was a librarian for the Cincinnati Art Museum for 30 years. Survivors are a brother, Tom Chapin of Cold Spring; and a sister, Rise' Chapin Gustin of Indianapolis, Ind. Memorials: Arthritis Foundation, Ohio River Valley Chapter, 1724 Miami Ave., Cincinnati, OH, 45243
In the Literature and on the 'Net
March 1, 2010, Cincinnati, Ohio: It is official. After months of planning and preparation, the Jewish Hospital is now a member of Mercy Health Partners (MHP). The Jewish Hospital joins with the Mercy hospitals in Anderson Township, Batavia, Fairfield, Mt. Airy and Western Hills, as well as medical centers in Harrison and Mt. Orab. The Jewish Foundation, which owned Jewish Hospital, announced in July 2009 that they would enter into exclusive negotiations with MHP for the sale of Jewish Hospital. The Health Sciences Library continues as the library for Jewish Hospital - its residencies, medical staff, nurses, allied health staff, and management - will be served by existing staff. Like Mercy Health Partners, The Jewish Hospital has a history of serving Greater Cincinnati that spans more than 150 years. It was the first Jewish Hospital to open in the United States when it was founded in 1850 to treat Jewish immigrants in Cincinnati. Our mission statement: "The Jewish Hospital is a community hospital faithful to its Jewish Heritage and grounded in the Jewish and Catholic traditions of service to the community. Our purpose is to reveal God's love for all, especially the poor and vulnerable, through the delivery of compassionate health care services and education of health care professionals."
Last year was the first MLA meeting that Jay Daly (creator of QuickDoc) hadn’t attended in I-don’t-know-how-many years; he was having surgery at that time. He died of post-op complications the next week. Jay was a long-time member of the Hospital Library Section and was a friend of hospital librarians all over the US and Canada. During the HLS Business Meeting, there will be a brief tribute and a “toast” to Jay.
Congrats! You get a new library
By Ben Fischer • • April 7, 2010
Ethel M. Taylor Academy in Millvale opened brand new only three years ago after a $13.7 million construction project, but its library could definitely use some sprucing up.
Even though the building is new, the school's book collection is showing signs of age and doesn't fill the new shelves, not by a long shot. And the library, used by 424 students in preschool through 8th grade, is cramped.
But on Wednesday, the school found out that it won a complete "library makeover," which will include 2,000 new books to add to the collection, new carpeting, bookshelves, some light construction to reconfigure the space and technology upgrades. Also, each student will get seven books to add to their personal collection.
Taylor Academy is the latest beneficiary in a nationwide program created by the retail giant Target and the Heart of America Foundation, a Washington, D.C., nonprofit. Target employees were on hand to tell students and the staff at the school of the award.
Principal Sean McCauley said the library improvements would benefit the students'
education and also the surrounding Millvale community, which doesn't have a library branch. "Having the resources available for the teachers to come in and use, for the community to tap into, it's going to be great," McCauley said. "This is the only resource that kids in the community have as far as a library goes, so this is going to be a great hub for things to happen in the area."
The school was one of three finalists selected Monday for the makeover. After Target and Heart of America officials toured each school Tuesday, they decided Taylor was most in need of the makeover, said Beth Lockman, a spokeswoman for Target.
"If you look around, the spacing, it's just not very conducive to a good library space," Lockman said. "They just don't have a lot of books to work with. Their collection is very old. So we really look at what the students can use to learn and engage. The other libraries had newer collections and had just recently updated their books, so 2,000 new books to the school will make a bigger impact."
The other runner-up schools -- Taft Elementary School in Mount Auburn and Hays-Porter in West End -- will receive a $1,000 book grant. Hays-Porter, like Taylor, was recently rebuilt in the district's construction program. Taft, however, is still in a 51-year-old building.
During the announcement event, second-grade students at the school gave their own ideas for the new, improved library space. One youngster suggested an entire reading space devoted to Junie B. Jones, the popular childrens’ book heroine.
Target declined to release the overall cash value of the donations. Construction work will be done for free by Elford Inc., of Columbus, and other labor will be contributed by volunteers.
Workers will complete the renovations next August, with the goal of finishing shortly after the beginning of the next school year.
Keith Richards wanted to be a Librarian
London, April 05 : 'Rolling Stones' guitarist Keith Richards has confessed that he has a passion for collecting valuable books. Keith, renowned for his drug abuse, heavy drinking, chain smoking and partying, admitted that he actually wanted to be a Librarian. "He has even considered professional training to manage the books at his homes in Sussex and the States," the Daily Star quoted a publishing source as saying.
"He has also acted like a public library, lending out copies of the latest novels to friends - although he often doesn't have much hope of getting them back," the source added.
His lifelong interest in books was first made public in 1998 after he fell off a ladder in his extensive library at his home in Connecticut.
"And, like the Queen does at Balmoral, he leaves favoured books by the bedside for the many guests at his homes," the source said. "He even started to arrange his volumes by the standard library classification system. But he gave that up as too much hassle," the source added.
CAHSLA Calendar
May 21-26 MLA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.
June ? CAHSLA picnic. Date and place to be determined.
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