Happy Spring, CAHSLA Colleagues! I feel like this is the time of year when I really start to shift gears to “looking forward” -– “springing ahead,” if you will. With that in mind, I want to share some of the exciting things we have coming up for CAHSLA!
I always look forward to the next CAHSLA event, but I am really excited about our Spring Meeting on Tuesday, April 17th at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum. Thanks in advance to Brigid Almaguer and Amy Koshoffer and the rest of the Program Planning Committee for organizing this tour of Spring Grove that has been discussed by the CAHSLA Program Planning Committees for several years now!
This year’s Spring Meeting will be a big one, too – we’ll be voting on the revised procedures and bylaws, so I’d like to encourage all members to attend. I’m also planning to make an announcement about another new perk of paid CAHSLA membership at this meeting, so you’ll want to be there to say you heard it first!
Another big event to look forward to is the MLA Annual Meeting this May. With the conference being held in Seattle this year, I’m anticipating that a lot of our Cincinnati area colleagues might not be able to go. Unfortunately, none of us from Christ will be there. Hopefully, if one or two people from CAHSLA are able to go, we can hold another CAHSLA Tech Convo/MLA Round-Up in late May like we did last year and share ideas from the MLA Conference.
Looking ahead to the summer CAHSLA election, we find ourselves once again in the position of not having an individual in the Vice-President role to assume the Presidency for the 2012-2013 CAHSLA year. I can tell you from personal experience, that the CAHSLA President position is one of the more delightful Executive Committee roles! It’s not too early to start thinking about stepping up or nominating one of your fellow CAHSLA Members to fill this or other roles. If you would like to be added to the slate for the year-end elections, please contact Regina Hartman: Regina.Hartman@TheChristHospital.com
Hope to see everyone at the Spring Meeting on April 17th!
Spring Meeting
Tuesday, April 17 at 5:15PM
Please join us for a tram tour of Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum followed by a catered dinner and business meeting in the Historic Office Building.
Tram Tour: Meet at the Historic Building 5:15
Tram tour begins 5:30
Dinner: Catered from Winklers 6:30
Cost: $5 members; $9 nonmembers
Payment due in cash or check, written to CAHSLA, at the meeting
Please drive to the main gate entrance to get to the Historic Office—see map link—parking is adjacent to the office
For more information: http://www.springgrove.org/HF/HF_Home.shtmCAHSLA Holiday Party 2011
Mary Piper’s home
December 5, 2011 5:30- 8:30 PM
December 5, 2011 5:30- 8:30 PM
Regina Hartman; Cecil Rahe; Emiy Rahe; Emily Kean; Mary Piper; Barb Slavinski; Jane Thompson; Edith Starbuck; Amy Koshoffer; Brigid Almaguer; Lisa McCormick; Kristen Burgess; Mike Douglas
Regina Hartman; Cecil Rahe; Emiy Rahe; Emily Kean; Mary Piper; Barb Slavinski; Jane Thompson; Edith Starbuck; Amy Koshoffer; Brigid Almaguer; Lisa McCormick; Kristen Burgess; Mike Douglas
Mary’s home was the perfect setting for our holiday get together. The party was well-attended and the food was delicious. Culinary highlights for me included the sweet potato casserole, pecan cookies, and cranberry/pistachio cookies. After mingling and enjoying dinner seated in front of the crackling fireplace, we commenced with holiday games and prizes. The night’s festivities included an impromptu pillow case folding demo by Mary Piper and some very interesting conversations about sayings/expressions our parents used when we were growing up. The evening concluded with Christmas carols sung expertly by our very musically talented group. Collectively we donated 19 children’s books to CAIN (Churches Active in Northside).
Financial Report 2011-2012
Financial Report 2011-2012
Checking Account
Balance as of 6/9/2011 $2577.76
Balance as of 6/9/2011 $2577.76
Dues (18 regular) $450.00
Sept meeting, food & water $112.29
Holiday party, beverages & supplies $ 56.59
Dues (18 regular) $450.00
Sept meeting, food & water $112.29
Holiday party, beverages & supplies $ 56.59
Balance as of 3/14/2012 $2858.88
Balance as of 6/9/2011 $ 35.52
Balance as of 6/9/2011 $ 35.52
Postage $ 1.08
Postage $ 1.08
Balance as of 3/14/2012 $ 34.44
Total Assets $2893.32
Paid members
Regular 18
Student 0
Life members 12
Total 30
Regular 18
Student 0
Life members 12
Total 30
Submitted by:
Cathy Constance, Treasurer
Save the Date -- Midwest Chapter/MLA
The most stunning event of The Midwest Chapter, Medical Library Association this year is our annual meeting in Rochester, Minnesota from October 6 through 9, 2012. We call this event, Growing Opportunities, a program planned especially for medical librarians to view themselves and medical librarianship, as through a kaleidoscope, viewing change and growth as new opportunities.
Rochester is host to thousands of people each year. Home of the IBM Corporation and the Mayo Clinic, Rochester is positioned as a hub of innovative research both clinical and technological.
Our keynote speaker is the famous e-Patient Dave, a successful speaker, cancer survivor, and blogger noted for activism for healthcare transformation through participatory medicine. An engaging speaker and accomplished writer in his professional life, he is an advocate for Participatory Medicine as it evolves in which patients become strong agents in managing their own health care in partnership with physicians. You can find more information about e-Patient Dave (David deBronkhart) on his website http://epatientdave.com.
We welcome you to grow your opportunities, network with colleagues through papers and posters, and continuing education classes (to be announced shortly). Please join us in Rochester! More details at http://midwestmla.org/conference2012/
Name Change at OSU
You can refer to the health sciences library at Ohio State University as the "Health Sciences Library" from now on. Formerly known as the Prior Health Sciences Library, the OSU Board of Trustees approved the name change. The building that houses the Health Sciences Library is now called Prior Hall. Two new floors and a significant amount of remodeling have updated the facility. Prior Hall also houses some HSL "partners" including the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and the Clinical Skills Education and Assessment Center. The completion of the construction also brought the Medical Heritage Center back to Prior Hall.
CAHSLA Training Webinar
Overview of Mobile Technology in Healthcare for Librarians
Speaker – Max Anderson
Christ Hospital
February 16, 2012 2-3:30pm
Attendance – 8
Max Anderson from the University of Illinois at Chicago, discussed the use of mobile technology in the healthcare setting. For example, we have all seen QR codes to get more information about a product using smartphones. Mr. Anderson suggests this technology could be applied to a home CPAP machine and used by a patient to get more information about its operation if needed.
More and more physicians are using iPads in their practices and at the hospital. Many of these technological changes are coming from the “bottom up” and spearheaded by nurses and doctors, rather than “down” from administration or IT initiatives. There are considerations with any new use of technology – what about germs spread on the device itself?
The webinar included statistics on mobile technology use as well as problems putting the technologies into practice. For example (and Emily K. can attest to this) anytime you create a mobile app or website, you have to cater to 4 separate platforms: Microsoft, Blackberry, Apple, and Android. The webinar ended with a discussion of mobile apps and mobile sites including Pubmed and Medlineplus and some great sites to go to for more information about medical apps,
Some libraries have created libguides on mobile apps – I found this one in a Google search:
There will be another free webinar on this same subject on April 19th:
--Submitted by Brigid Almaguer, Secretary
Amy Koshoffer
I attended the webinar Overview of Mobile Technology in Healthcare for Librarians held at Christ Hospital Feb 16, 2012, presented by Max Anderson, Technology Coordinator for the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region. The webinar was a mini version of a 4 hour CE course offered by GMR which covers several areas.• The Modern Mobile/Smartphone Landscape
• Development and Design Part I: Mobile Site Generators
• Health/Medicine in the Mobile/Smartphone Landscape
• Development and Design Part II: Native App Generators
• QR Codes
• Augmented Reality
The prevalence of mobile devices is only increasing. Interesting the point was made that more people have access to mobile technology than to clean drinking water. And it is predicted that there will be 1 billion cells phones globally by 2016. However, statistics show that of the 85% of American adults who own cell phones, only about 15% use them to access health information. This number may change as Healthcare providers are beginning to incorporate these devices into their patient interactions to provide up-to-date information, registration, as part of equipment used in patient care, and in patient care management. There is even one physician mentioned in the webinar, known as the first iphone doctor. Dr Natalie Hodge has a company with the goal to incorporate the use of iphones into patient care along side the stethoscope.
There many types of mobile devices available to users: IOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. Apps and mobile websites need to be produced for each of these platforms. App creators and mobile website creators are available through Google and other sources. And here is a link to one resource for creating mobile websites. http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/11/03/how-to-build-amobile-website/.
QR codes are now found in abundance. Some in our group felt that QR did not have as much value as promised. Mostly they are used to direct users to a website that contains the desired information. The use of augmented reality was more intriguing. Students studying bones can use the augmented reality to give a real life perspective to the location of bones in the body. Several people had devices with the apps mentioned in the webinar so others in the group got to take look and see how they can be applied. For example we were able to see who was tweeting in the vicinity of the classroom using an augmented reality app.
Libraries can play a role in the move to adopt these technologies. It is beneficial to survey your user group to see who is using what platforms and how. Knowing this helps to decide whether to build apps or webapps or dedicated mobile websites. Access, content and user statistics monitoring varies depending on which route you go. And once you know how your users are applying these technologies, libraries can provide education, training and content through apps, webapps and mobile websites. There are many great examples of libraries using apps and mobile websites. NLM has mobile versions of MEDLINEplus, WISER and PubMed to name a few.
Librarians need to be familiar with all platforms to provide good service. It is a difficult task to keep ahead of the trends. And some of the technologies available may not demonstrate the promised worth. Decisions need to be made on how to apply resources to best meet the information needs of each user group. It was an interesting webinar with much information. And the discussion that followed demonstrated the challenges of keeping ahead of the trends in the fast changing mobile landscape.
Here is a link to the slides shown http://nnlm.gov/gmr/training/lakeeffects/lakeeffectsfebruary2012.pdf
There is another webinar coming up Thursday, April 19, 2012 at 1 p.m. Central time as Heather Holmes and Susan Fowler present: Mobile Technology from the Perspective of a Hospital Librarian. I am unaware if a location is available to watch it live for CAHSLA members. The webinar will be recorded so you can watch it at a later date. Here is a link to the archive http://nnlm.gov/gmr/training/lakeeffects/.
Third Annual Health Literacy Summit
Lisa McCormick
“Building Your Health Literacy Toolkit” was the name for the 2012 Kentucky Health Literacy Summit held in Lexington, Kentucky March 22-23. The Kentucky Health Literacy Coalition has only been in existence for three years, and yet, they have successfully hosted two summits drawing participants from outside of the Bluegrass. There was a great mix of physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, librarians, academics and community health workers at the summit. Jane Bryant, health literacy librarian for the Chandler Health Sciences Library at the University of Kentucky, is one of the members of the planning team for the summit. The planning team did a stellar job in making sure this year’s programming would appeal to the varying interests and experience of this broad audience. Content was appropriate for someone looking for the basics of understanding health literacy to those with experience looking for best practices.
The Coalition has strong backing from health insurer giant Humana, whose headquarters is in Louisville, along with the University of Kentucky, the Health Foundation of Kentucky, and the Kentucky Health Information Exchange. In addition to numerous break-out sessions with contributed papers and invited speakers, there were at least a dozen posters. The GMR (Greater Midwest Region) of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine was a sponsor of the summit and was represented by a GMR staff person.
For the purpose of this article, I will briefly describe some of the presentations that stood out for me. Cindy Brach, Senior Health Policy Researcher for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality gave a comprehensive presentation on “Becoming a Health Literate Organization.” She emphasized that health literacy is not just about making sure your organization’s print materials are easy-to-read but that your organization incorporates in its strategic vision systemic practices that will insure that patients have the information they need to make informed choices and to manage their care. Brach mentioned several free tools the AHRQ has developed to help empower patients and health consumers to take an active role in communicating with health providers both in English and in Spanish.
Christine Cordero, PhD, MPH, Associate Project Director Department of Standards and Survey Methods of The Joint Commission presented important information on how health literacy, as a component of cultural competency, will be scored during accreditation surveys beginning in 2012. My main take-away message from Cordero was that health literacy is an important element of communication between patients and caregivers and that it is this overall communication – oral as well as written – that will be surveyed.
The GMR also funded a grant to the Kentucky Health Literacy Coalition to develop a program and train the trainer sessions for “Health Literacy for the Community” project. The project was conceived to raise awareness of the importance of effectively communicating with your health care team to avert errors and poor care. Through the grant, volunteers are trained to deliver the one-hour presentation and along with laptops and projectors purchased with the grant, the informational program can now be presented throughout the state. Jane Bryan offered this training as an adjunct to the Summit.
For those not able to attend the Summit in person you will have the opportunity in the very near future to view the Summit on the web through the University of Kentucky’s CECentral (http://www.cecentral.com/). This year’s Summit was a well-organized and informative program that achieved its goal of addressing essential issues surrounding health literacy and providing participants with a variety of tools to improve practices related to addressing the consequences of low health literacy. I am looking forward to seeing what the Coalition has in store for the Fourth Annual Summit in 2013.
Paper and Poster Submission for MLA ’13 in Boston
Here's a reminder,
Mark your calendars not only for the 2012 MLA Annual Meeting in Seattle but also for the special international meeting in Boston in 2013. Start thinking of 2013 paper and poster submission ideas now and submit whenever you’re ready – the MLA paper and poster submission site opened on November 30, 2011 and will remain open until May 1, 2012.
MLA ’13, will take place on May 3–8, 2013, in Boston, and will incorporate the 11th International Congress on Medical Librarianship (ICML), the 7th International Conference of Animal Health Information Specialists (ICAHIS), and the 6th International Clinical Librarians Conference. The Boston meeting will provide a unique opportunity to explore the global interdependency of health information at a federated international meeting.
Submission of papers and posters began earlier than usual because of the lead times needed for international participants. 2013 contributed papers and posters submission deadline is May 1, 2012. Final findings and results may be added to the accepted papers and posters up to February 1, 2013, so you don’t have to have completed research to submit a paper or abstract.
The 2013 meeting theme is “One World: Information in an Interdependent World,” which emphasizes global interdependencies in all health-related areas. “One Health” is meant to encompass not only human and animal health, but also public health, environmental health, climate change, food safety and production, and international health policy.
For access to the online submission process, instructions, and a list of section program themes, see http://www.mlanet.org/am/am2013/
CAHSLA Colleagues
Kimber Fender, Executive Director of the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County has been honored as a 2012 YWCA Career Woman of Achievement. Ms. Fender will be recognized at the annual awards luncheon on May 6.
Cindy Sefton is the new director of the Johnnie Mae Berry Library at Cincinnati State.
Best Wishes!
Debbie Bogenschutz is retiring after 32 years as Coordinator of Information Services for the Johnnie Mae Berry Library at Cincinnati State. A celebration of Debbie’s career and many years of service to the Cincinnati library community and Cincinnati State is planned for April 3 from 3 – 5 pm in The Point (ATLC 107). Contact Brigid Almaguer (Brigid.almaguer@cincinnatistate.edu) if you need additional information.
Retired Member News
Jane Thompson (UC HSL) has embarked on an educational adventure which may lead to service as a weekend warrior (not making this up) at the Taft Museum. She and her husband are part of a training class focusing on the collections at the museum, and guidance in leading short tours on the weekends. Although they will help with tours pretty soon, the class runs into August, so come to the Taft on the weekend and say hello. The museum is free on Sundays and has a good cafe serving lunch.
Barbarie Hill (retired CCHMC) is looking forward to a visit from some of her former CCHMC colleagues. Val Purvis, Margee Lewis (retired CCHMC) and Sandy Johnson (retired CCHMC) will travel to Barbarie’s home in Virginia for a long weekend in mid-April. BTW, Barbarie has a new email address, so change any relevant lists to barbariehill@gmail.com.
Susanne Gillam Phelps, of Hollywood, FL, died Aug. 5, 2011 at the age of 67 years. Susanne was a long time resident of Cincinnati, OH. She was a loving partner to Karen Neuhaus and a good friend to many people. Survivors include Karen; Craig Neuhaus, brother-in-law, of Ft. Lauderdale; and Demaris Hooks, cousin, of Fredonia, KY.
Susanne was very active in CAHSLA and SLA. Her career in Cincinnati included working at the University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library and being a professional consulting home and business organizer. Susanne will be fondly remembered for her wonderful wit and sense of humor.
Donations in Susanne's memory may be made to the non-profit animal or environmental charity of your choice.
In the Literature and on the 'Net
Susanne was very active in CAHSLA and SLA. Her career in Cincinnati included working at the University of Cincinnati Health Sciences Library and being a professional consulting home and business organizer. Susanne will be fondly remembered for her wonderful wit and sense of humor.
Donations in Susanne's memory may be made to the non-profit animal or environmental charity of your choice.
In the Literature and on the 'Net
Cops pay kid a visit because of overdue library books
With fines of ten cents a day, overdue library books can add up to a few bucks -- or to a visit from the cops. A five-year-old Massachusetts girl learned the importance of returning items promptly after the police turned up on her doorstep to collect her two overdue library books. Although the books were a couple of months overdue, the little girl's mom insists she never received any warnings and thinks that sending the police to collect two library books was overkill. However, the library contacted the police department, asking them to intervene. The sergeant who had to go on kindergarten collections duty was none too happy about it either, saying, “Nobody wanted to, on this end to get involved in it. But the library contacted us, and the chief delegated, and apparently I was one of the low men on the totem pole.” Luckily, this young (though clearly hardened) criminal was able to find the books in question and handed them over to police. Quick kids, go check your bookshelves for overdue books.
Posted January 4, 2012 http://www.moms.new.today.msnbc.msn.com
Indiana Burglary Suspect Leaves Library Card Behind
MUNCIE, Ind. -- A Muncie man is in jail after police found his library card in a home that had been ransacked.
The Star Press reports 28-year-old Jerry Ray Bane faces preliminary charges of burglary and possession of stolen property. He was being held in the Delaware County Jail under a $30,000 bond Monday night.
Muncie police say woman arrived home Christmas Day to find her house had been ransacked overnight and a TV, a laptop computer, a jewelry box, a video game system and her children's wrapped Christmas gifts were missing.
Left behind was a signed Muncie Public Library card belonging to Bane, police said. Police say a witness saw Bane carrying similar items into his apartment.
Posted January 3, 2012 http://www.wlwt.com/news/30122079/detail.html#ixzz1iPsi0dCj
Library Assists Community after Tornado
Donations for Tornado Victims Floods Clermont Library Doing good for the community just comes naturally when customer service is at the forefront of your library mission. Watch the video http://www.wlwt.com/news/ 30664249/detail.html from WLWT News about the Clermont County Public Library (there’s a few seconds of commercial at the beginning). KUDOS!
Goodbye, Brittanica!
According to the Washington Post on March 13, 2012, “The book-form of Encyclopaedia Britannica has been in print since it was first published in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1768. It will stop being available when the current stock runs out, the company said. The Chicago-based company will continue to offer digital versions. Officials said the end of the printed, 32-volume set has been foreseen for some time. “This has nothing to do with Wikipedia or Google,” Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. President Jorge Cauz said. “This has to do with the fact that now Britannica sells its digital products to a large number of people.”
“Answers in Medicine Sometimes Lie in Luck”
An essay in the March 5, 2012 The New York Times reveals that many physicians and scientific researchers – those proponents of evidence-based medicine and scientific rigor – fall prey to the same niggling fears as the average Joe and Joan on the street. Kent A Sepkowitz, M.D. states, “Luck is what we use to explain whatever it is we cannot really explain.” Sepkowitz provides example of one rational scientist who insisted on “pointing all of the lab’s workbenches toward the sun for good luck.” Sepkowitz admits that he avoids checking lab test results on certain very ill patients until he can sit at his “lucky workstation.”
Noteworthy Book
Blue Water, White Water by Robert C. Samuels is hailed as a “must read” according to the March 12, 2012 New York Times. Healthy one day and the next, attached to a ventilator diagnosed with Guillain- Barre Syndrome, Samuels has written a memoir of being a helpless observer in a 1980’s intensive care unit that, according to the review, far exceeds any other such patient memoir. “... With nothing to do but watch and remember, Mr. Samuels assembled the sketchbook of a professional observer, brisk, unsentimental, sardonic and altogether deadly... But it is the nurses who get the brunt of his attention, only because they ruled his days and nights. Seldom has anyone provided a better illustration of the simultaneous power and powerlessness of that complicated profession.”
Hospital libraries supporting patient-centered care/ patient engagement initiatives, and nursing school libraries may find this to be a useful purchase. **********************
What's In A Name?
Nancy O'Brien of the Health Sciences Library, Iowa Health, recently sought
the input of MEDLIB-L members on what to call librarians/libraries at the
request of her Vice President, who wants to position the library for the
future. Nancy nicely summarized the responses and posted them on MEDLIB-L
on March 20.
Thank you to all who replied. This topic is obviously near and dear to our hearts as so many advocated for keeping library and librarian. One library actually changed their name back to library. Other names for "Librarian" mentioned include:
Informatics Specialist
Coordinator of Library and Educational Services
Information Specialist
Here are the responses for "Library" in no particular order:
Research Service
Support Center
Resource Center
Library Services
The Collective
Health Sciences Collective
KBR Collective
Knowledge Based Core Collective
Knowledge Based Core
Information Resource Core
Health Sciences Core
Learning Resource Center (LRC) (2x)
Health Sciences Library & Resource Center
Famed IBM Watson Computer to "Enroll in Residency" Program
According to the Washington Post, IBM's Watson computer, which first came to national attention by beating the world's best Jeopardy! players, will become a 'resident' at Memorial Sloan Kettering Center for Cancer Research in New York.
"IBM and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center said Thursday that they will add the latest in oncology research — and the hospital’s accumulated experience — to Watson’s vast knowledge base, and keep updating it. The result should help the hospital diagnose and treat cancer more quickly, accurately and personally, they said. ...Watson will be fed textbooks, medical journals and — with permission — individual medical records. T hen it will be tested with more and more complicated cancer scenarios and assessed with the help of an advisory panel. It’s expected to speedily suggest diagnoses and recommend treatments, ranking several alternatives. The computer’s grasp of the scientific literature — and its ability to find the right passage in seconds — will help doctors keep up with the ever-expanding amount of available information.”
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