
June 2012, No. 120

President's Page 

It doesn’t seem quite possible that another CAHSLA year has come and gone! We had a truly wonderful year of programming, and I’d like to extend great thanks to the members of the Program Committee – Brigid Almaguer, Regina Hartman, Amy Koshoffer, Val Purvis, and, Edith Starbuck – for organizing such enjoyable meetings.

As we announced at the summer picnic, we have once again found ourselves in a position of not having an individual to fill the Vice-President role for the upcoming year. On a more positive note, numerous CAHSLA members have stepped forward to volunteer to be on the Programming Committee – thanks one and all! After discussing the situation at the picnic, there were no objections by members present to the recommendation to extend the term of the current Executive Committee by one additional year. New members of the Program Committee will be selected shortly; my only recommendation was that those selected for the Program Committee  not be currently filling another elected position. Additionally, it has worked well to limit the number of members on the Program Committee to two or three individuals, so we will continue with this model for the upcoming association year beginning September 2012.

Complementing our wonderful programming this year have been the exciting additions on the CAHSLA technology front. We officially added a Technology Committee, and Amy Koshoffer and I have some exciting things planned for next year. Similarly this past year, we made an effort to be more active on Twitter (@CAHSLA), and we established a private blog site ( http://cahsla.wordpress.com). The blog site is our forum for a monthly online journal club article for discussion amongst CAHSLA members. In the next year, we hope to redesign the CAHSLA website, as well as establish either a LinkedIn or a Facebook presence for the organization.

These new avenues of marketing might help us to reach out to some potential new CAHSLA members, but there’s nothing more powerful than word-of-mouth advertising. If you believe, as I do, that CAHSLA is a wonderful means of networking with your health sciences library colleagues, then please don’t hesitate to encourage your friends and coworkers to join CAHSLA. Hope everyone has a wonderful summer, and I’ll see you at the next CAHSLA event! 

-- Emily Kean 

CAHSLA Meeting Minutes

End of the Year Picnic – June 14, 2012

Submitted by Brigid Almaguer, Secretary

Attendees: Brigid Almaguer, Cathy Constance, Regina Hartman (and daughter Gabrielle), Emily Kean, Amy Koshoffer (and daughters Isabella & Vianne), Sandy Mason, Lisa McCormick, Diana Osborne, Sharon Purtee (and dog Chester), Val Purvis, Cecil Rahe, and Emily Rahe, Barb Slavinski and family, Edith Starbuck, and Jane Thompson and husband.

The CAHSLA End of the Year Picnic was once again held at the Daniel Drake Park in Kennedy Heights. It was a potluck dinner with Val Purvis providing chicken from KFC.

The business meeting was called to order at 7PM.

It was unanimously decided that the slate of officers would remain the same as last year, so an election will not be necessary. There are plenty of volunteers for a Program Committee so that will be confirmed at a later date. This was our speediest meeting to date – lasting no more than 5 minutes – keeping it simple for 2012!

Regina presented CAHSLA President, Emily Kean with a gift card to High Street a “design studio and urban lifestyle store” on Reading Rd. Emily presented the outgoing (and incoming) officers with beautiful Gerber daisies.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.


CAHSLA Leadership 2012-2013 -- "Election" Results

In a move to keep CAHSLA operational, the Executive Committee presented a proposal at the end-of-the-year picnic on June 14th to meet our ongoing leadership needs. We found ourselves in the position where no members were willing to “run” for leadership positions for the 2012-2013 association year. In response to this situation, the Executive Committee proposed that those individuals currently in leadership roles continue in their position for the upcoming association year. After a lively discussion by those at the picnic meeting, the proposal was accepted. Emily Kean announced that she would appoint new members to Program Committee.  

2012-2013 Officers
President: Emily Kean, The Christ Hospital James N. Gamble Library
Past President:  Regina Hartman, The Christ Hospital James N. Gamble Library
Treasurer/Membership Coordinator:  Cathy Constance, VA Medical Center
Secretary:  Brigid Almaguer, Cincinnati State Technical Institute Johnnie Mae Berry Library
Archivist:  Jane Thompson, Retired: University of Cincinnati Donald C Harrison Health
                                                                                                                                 Sciences Library
Newsletter editors:  Lisa McCormick, Jewish Hospital-Mercy and Barbarie Hill, Retired: Pratt
                                                                    Library Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

CAHSLA Financial Report 2011-2012

Checking Account
Balance as of 6/9/2011                                                         $2577.76

          Dues (20 regular)                                                  $500.00
           April meeting – 21 dinners                                  $121.00
           Sept meeting, food & water                                 $112.29
           Holiday party, beverages & supplies                  $  56.59
           Tram car reservation, Apr mtg at Spring Grove$  75.00
           Apr meeting – catering & water                          $217.08
           Drake Park shelter reservation, June picnic      $  50.00
           President’s gift                                                      $  50.00
           June picnic – food                                                $  52.47
      Balance as of 6/19/2012                                                   $2585.33

      Balance as of 6/9/2011                                                      $    35.52

          Postage                                                                $    1.08

      Balance as of 6/19/2012                                                    $    34.44

Total Assets                                                                               $2619.77

Paid members
     Regular                      20
     Student                        0
Life members                12
Total                                32

Submitted by:
Cathy Constance, Treasurer


Linkedin  Workshop

I attended the May 17th SLA workshop LinkedIn Workshop: Refresh Your Online Professional Presence!.  It was presented by Leslie Schick and Kristin Burgess from UC Health Science Library.  The workshop started with a video describing Linkedin:
Leslie and Kristin described features of Linkedin that helped professionals get information about themselves out to others and gather information relevant to their career interests.  Some tools mentioned were how to import your resume to build your profile, create informative profiles, follow companies and news events, and network using Linkedin.  Leslie and Kristin emphasized building quality and authentic connections by ensuring you have relationships with your connections outside of Linkedin.  After the presentation, participants were given the opportunity to have a profile picture taken by a professional photographer. 

I enjoyed this practical approach to using Linkedin.  Though I have had an account for several years, I have not made full use of it potential.  I made several new connections for my network during the workshop and I have started to improve my profile using the tools and advice provided in the workshop. 

I had recently read “The Start Up of You” written by Reid Hoffman (co-founder and Chairman of Linkedin) and Ben Casnocha.  It was an interesting read especially for the history of several social media tools such as twitter and flicker.  The book focused on the need for people to embrace change and be flexible and adaptable to the new and changing workplace.  Though the book pushed Linkedin as a necessary part of one’s tools for transforming careers, it had some good advice.  As Leslie and Kristin also emphasized in the SLA workshop, the authenticity of relationships and the quality of these relationships is crucial.  Beyond one’s profile in Linkedin, this book addressed some ways to network with people and ways to create wide and diverse networks.  Each chapter ends with practical advice about building your network and career tools.  One piece of advice was to pay it forward.  Give of yourself and your time to the things that matter most to you.

It was interesting to have the book and the workshop to compare and learn from.  I recommend the read as well as several books mentioned in the SLA workhop:  The Power Formula for LinkedIn Success - Wayne Breitbarth, ISBN: 9781608320936, Publication Date: 2011-03-01, Linkedin for Dummies - Joel Elad, ISBN: 047094854X, Publication Date: 2011-03-01, Windmill Networking: Understanding, Leveraging and Maximizing LinkedIn - Neal Schaffer, ISBN: 1439247056, Publication Date: 2009-09-24

-- Amy Koshoffer

Exhibits of Interest at the Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

BookWorks13, The Cincinnati Book Arts Society (CBAS) 13th annual exhibit of traditional and contemporary handmade books is on view in the Atrium of the Main Library from June 12 to September 2.   According to the Public Library's website:  “This year’s exhibit showcases a selection of handmade books that demonstrate a variety of techniques and approaches used in traditional and contemporary bookmaking. The artist’s contributions range from traditional bindings to conceptually playful books that incorporate mixed media to books composed of found objects or crafted from handmade paper.”

The Keith Kuhn Memorial Artists’ Book Exhibit
In conjunction with the Cincinnati Book Arts Society’s Bookworks exhibit, the Keith Kuhn Memorial Exhibit, which showcases artists' books from the Library's permanent collection, will be on view in the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Main Library from June 12 through August 12. Many of the books are hand-made, unique objects from well-known international, national, and local artists. The show is organized annually in the memory of former Library Services Director Keith Kuhn, under whose direction the collection grew to be widely admired by art and book lovers from all over the region. 


Plan to Attend the 2012 Books by the Banks

Books by the Banks is  an annual celebration of books and reading, takes place every October in downtown Cincinnati. A full schedule of activities for the entire family to enjoy (crafts, costume characters, storytelling, musical performances, author readings, etc.)  can be found at the  Books by the Banks website.   The event will be held on October 20, 2012 at the Duke Energy Center from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. 

Midwest Chapter/MLA Call for Papers and Posters 

There's a month left to submit your paper and poster abstracts for the Midwest Chapter meeting in Rochester! New this year will be an option to compete for a new Research Award. (See http://midwestmla.org/midline/?p=1347 for more information, and watch your inboxes for more details from the Professional Practice Committee.)

The Program Committee invites proposals for contributed papers and posters for the conference theme of “Growing Opportunities.” Papers and posters may highlight practical problem-solving approaches, document collaborative efforts or outreach activities, describe innovative programs, or report on research in librarianship, resources or services. Contributed paper and poster topics are as unlimited as your imagination.

Contributed papers will be presented on Sunday, October 7. Posters will be on display on Monday, October 8 from 8:00 am until 3:30 pm. Presenters should be available to discuss their posters during the poster reception from 11:00 am – noon on October 8. For inspiration, take a look at the abundant and varied papers and posters presented at the 2011 Midwest Chapter meeting.

For contributed paper proposals and poster proposals submit a 250 word abstract describing your paper or poster. Include your name, position title, address, phone number and email address on all submissions. Email your abstracts to Ann Farrell (farrell@mayo.edu), or snail them to her at Plummer Library, Mayo Clinic, 2001st SW, Rochester, MN, 55905. The deadline for abstract submission is July 13, 2012. Notifications of paper/poster acceptance/rejection will be made by July 27, 2012. 

For more information on the Midwest Chapter meeting, see the conference web site: http://midwestmla.org/conference2012/


CAHSLA Colleagues

Brigid Almaguer (Cincinnati State Technical Institute Johnnie Mae Berry) reported that she will have an unusually long summer break this year.  CSTI is in the process of changing from quarters to semesters.  The transition will impact the time-frame for the summer session which will result in more down time for the library than in previous years.  Brigid also reported that she has been more active in presenting information literacy and CINAHL searching classes to the nursing students at CSTI in this past year, which is something she really enjoys.

Barb Slavinski recently landed a PERMANENT position at Pratt Library (Children's hospital). This is on-call project oriented, but it's not temporary or sub work. Barb writes, "Of course, I could still be fired or laid off at any time, but TODAY, I get to work with people I know and love, and they agree to pay me, too. I can always hope to find useful things to do, which will entice the powers that be to offer me more time and opportunities doing what I love. What I love is improving personable customer service, offering information, reassurance and support to families/patients/caregivers, providing the right information at the right time to support evidence-based-practice/ quality medical care, providing the pieces that researchers need to do their work, and promoting a sense of community to support and encourage everyone involved in the system. There have been wrenching changes over at Pratt library, which could be distressing to experience; I try to remember that all things change, both the good things you want to hold onto and the hard things which you must endure.
     And what about my previous/present job as the solo medical librarian at Drake Center?  I'm still there half time, and have been assured several times that my position is secure.  As far as I know, decisions about Drake's future are made by distant unknown people in UCHealth.  Every day that I come to work and am NOT met at the door by a stranger who requests my badge and keys and I have 5 minutes to leave... those are good days.  So every day is a good day, so far.
     I enjoy listening to clinical discussions during rounding, and finding ways that library resources might help the situation at hand.  So IS stopping the tube feeding for a ventilator patient 15 minutes before a therapist wants to come in and lay the person down or do therapy long enough to avoid aspiration pneumonia when the stomach contents back up into the lungs?  How about half an hour?  So far, the best I can find in the literature is 4 hours, to let the contents clear through to the intestines.  That seems like a long time to interrupt feeding.  So I'm still looking for supporting docs in literature to bring back to the clinicians who are concerned.  It's an intellectual challenge and I get to learn more everyday.
     Recently I have been permitted to set up a tabletop display at conferences being held at Drake.  It has been a thrill to hear members of the general medical public say "I didn't know we had a library" or "I didn't know a library could do that" or "You mean you would just find the information and GIVE it to me?".  Generally I have the display of library services (publicizing all medical libraries) a selection of articles supporting the conference topic, and instructions on how to find more if they're interested.  As a side benefit, I get to attend the conference and hear the speakers.  It's a great privilege.
     I am grateful for the people who have encouraged me along the way, especially those in CAHSLA.  This has been a very supportive group to me.  When I wandered into the library at Jewish hospital and Lisa McCormick kindly told me what librarianship was about and encouraged me to come in this direction,  she set me on my present path.  I cherish those who laugh and provide friendship.  Thanks to all."


Congratulations to Kristen Burgess, NLM Associate Fellow at the UC HSL for her poster that was accepted for the Annual Meeting of the Medical Library Association.   MedlinePlus Connect: Planning for Clinical Coding System Changes.  Authors: Kristen Burgess, NLM Associate Fellow, National Library of Medicine, Health Sciences Library, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH; Stephanie N. Dennis, Reference and Web Services, Public Services Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD; Naomi Miller, Public Services Division, National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD


Behind-The-Scenes Tour of the National Library of Medicine

Leslie Schick (UC HSL) recently had a behind the scenes tour of the National Library of Medicine.  Leslie and Kristen Burgess were attending a meeting of the NLM Associate Fellows at NLM.  Leslie reports that NLM has adopted heightened security precautions for all visitors.  While touring, Leslie spent too brief a time viewing the newest exhibit "Native Voices Native Peoples' Concepts of Health and Illness."  Dr. Donald A. G. Lindberg, Director of the National Library of Medicine, had a significant role in the development of the exhibit.  If you can't visit NLM in person to see the exhibit, they recently released a free   iPad app for a virtual experience of the exhibit. 

New Dean for UC Libraries

Xuemao Wang  has been named the new Dean of UC Libraries

From the UC website:  Mr. Wang currently serves as associate vice provost of university libraries at Emory University in Atlanta and has enjoyed a 30-year career within both public and academic library systems integrated with information technology experience. Before serving at Emory, he was head of library systems at Johns Hopkins University and director of information technology at the Metropolitan New York Library Council.

Mr. Wang, who holds an Executive MBA from Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., a master's of library and information science from the University of South Carolina, and a master's of library science from Kutztown University of Pennsylvania as well as an undergraduate degree from Wuhan University in China, has held leadership positions in the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the American Library Association (ALA).

In the Literature and on the 'Net

Expert blackjack players have more 'risk intelligence' than doctors:  As physicians age, they become overconfident

A new book suggests that physicians have relatively low "risk intelligence"—or the ability to make accurate educated guesses—leading to overconfidence and inaccurate diagnoses, especially as they age.

Scholar and psychologist Dylan Evans, who has previously written on the power of the placebo effect, reviewed how different individuals estimate probabilities. In his new book, "Risk Intelligence: How to Live with Uncertainty," Evans cites findings that physicians estimated their patients had a 90% chance of having pneumonia when only about 15% actually had the condition—a "huge degree of overconfidence," he says.

“One explanation is that doctors have to make so many different decisions about so many different things they don't get a chance to build up a good model,” Evans says. “Maybe if you have to make life and death decisions, you feel you have to exude confidence ” to avoid being paralyzed by uncertainty.  Evans found that there are pockets of RQ genius in gamblers, weather forecasters, bridge players and horse-race handicappers (George, Slate, 5/22).


A Sharp Rise in Retractions Prompts Calls for Reform

The New York Times recently published an article reporting the results of a review of the increase in the number of retraction of scientific articles from publication.  The NY Times article describes the work of Drs. Arturo Casadevall and Ferric Fang measuring the rate of retractions in 17 journals from 2001 to 2010 and compared it with the journals’ “impact factor,” a score based on how often their papers are cited by scientists. The higher a journal’s impact factor, the two editors found, the higher its retraction rate.
The article by Casadevall and Fang doesn’t stop at reporting on the rise in retractions and other forms of scientific mis-conduct, but suggests cultural reforms to reverse this disturbing trend.   Casadevall, now editor in chief of the journal mBio, said he feared that science had turned into a winner-take-all game with perverse incentives that lead scientists to cut corners and, in some cases, commit acts of misconduct.   His co-author commented on the phenomena as “a symptom of a dysfunctional scientific climate.” 

When asked for reasons why scientific research has taken this unhealthy road , Dr. Fang suggested, “One may be that because journals are now online, bad papers are simply reaching a wider audience, making it more likely that errors will be spotted. You can sit at your laptop and pull a lot of different papers together.”
The highest “retraction index” in the study went to one of the world’s leading medical journals, The New England Journal of Medicine.

A Sharp Rise in Retractions Prompts Calls for Reform. Carl Zimmer. New York Times April 16, 2012. And Reforming Science: Methodological and Cultural Reforms. Casadevall, A., Fang, F.C. Infection and Immunity, March 2012, 80(3):891-96.


More worries about publication fraud

Facts in Scientific Drug Literature May Not Be
ScienceDaily (May 29, 2012) — A growing concern with fraud and misconduct in published drug studies has led researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Center for Pharmacoeconomic Research to investigate the extent and reasons for retractions in the research.
"We were surprised to find the proportion of retractions due to scientific misconduct in the drug literature is higher than in general biomedical literature," said Simon Pickard, associate professor of pharmacy practice and senior author of a study published in the journal Pharmacotherapy.
Nearly three-quarters of the retracted drug studies were attributed to scientific misconduct, he said, "which includes data falsification or fabrication, questionable veracity, unethical author conduct, or plagiarism. While these studies comprise a small percentage of the overall literature, health care professionals may rely on this evidence to make treatment recommendations."

These studies can affect the treatment of thousands of patients, since scientific publications are often printed months in advance. There is an average lag in time of 39 months between the original publication and a retraction notice, Pickard said.

The UIC team found that a considerable number of the retracted papers were attributable to two authors, one based in Japan and the other in Germany.
Little attention was paid to the implications of scientific publication retractions until a 1998 review documented 235 instances from 1966 to 1997; 37 percent of the retractions were due to scientific misconduct.

Since the 1998 study, more interest has been given to retracted studies. In 2009, the Committee on Publication Ethics released the first set of guidelines to editors on issuing retractions.
Source:  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/05/120529181145.htm

Notes Recount Doctor's Bid to Save Lincoln

A discovery of historic importance was recently made when the hand written notes of Dr. Charles Leale, the first responder to  tend to President Lincoln after he was shot while attending a performance at the Ford Theater, was found among hundreds of boxes of old medical reports languishing in the National Archives.
Leale, 23-year old physician, documented his attempts to save the president in a 21-page handwritten report.  The document was found by a researcher, Helena Iles Papaioannou who is part of the historical group The Papers of Abraham Lincoln Project.  It is possible to view the full hand-written report by Dr. Leale at the group’s website.
Source:  http://news.discovery.com/history/abraham-lincoln-history-death-shoot-doctor-120611.html

CDC Makes Bold Proclamation:  Zombies not a threat, but cannibalism is

“CDC: Despite wave of cannibalism, no zombie threat” was the headline of an extraordinary public statement issued by the Centers for Disease Control.  According to the CDC spokesperson, recent reports of horrific crimes including cannibalism “were not caused by a virus that would present zombie-like symptoms."  [Co-Editor: Whew!  What a relief.]


A "Contrarian" View Of Electronic Health Records

Escaping the EHR Trap — The Future of Health IT.  Kenneth D. Mandl, M.D., M.P.H., and Isaac S. Kohane, M.D., Ph.D.  N Engl J Med 2012; 366:2240-2242June 14, 2012

It is a widely accepted myth that medicine requires complex, highly specialized information-technology (IT) systems. This myth continues to justify soaring IT costs, burdensome physician workloads, and stagnation in innovation — while doctors become increasingly bound to documentation and communication products that are functionally decades behind those they use in their “civilian” life.
We believe that EHR vendors propagate the myth that health IT is qualitatively different from industrial and consumer products in order to protect their prices and market share and block new entrants. In reality, diverse functionality needn't reside within single EHR systems, and there's a clear path toward better, safer, cheaper, and nimbler tools for managing health care's complex tasks.

Loss of technological leadership reflects apathy and even opposition by EHR vendors to promoting liquidity of the data they collect. This attitude has thwarted medicine's decades-long quest for an electronic information infrastructure capable of providing a dynamic and longitudinal view of the health care of individuals and populations. EHR companies have followed a business model whereby they control all data, rather than liberating the data for use in innovative applications in clinical care.
Health IT vendors should adapt modern technologies wherever possible. Clinicians choosing products in order to participate in the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs should not be held hostage to EHRs that reduce their efficiency and strangle innovation. New companies will offer bundled, best-of-breed, interoperable, substitutable technologies . . . that can be optimized for use in health care improvement. Properly nurtured, these products will rapidly reach the market, effectively addressing the goals of “meaningful use,” signaling the post-EHR era, and returning to the innovative spirit of EHR pioneers.


MIT professor: In the workplace, the Web makes us 'alone together'

Studies have not yet determined the impact of workplace Internet use
May 29, 2012
Using technology in the office—ranging from putting on headphones to browsing the Internet—is creating a new kind of workplace communication, experts tell NPR.
Increasingly, many employees keep their eyes on their laptops or handheld devices as others speak in meetings. Moreover, many workers communicate with colleagues that sit only a few desks away using email or instant messenger, or wear headphones at their desks to tune out conversations.
"We're getting used to a new way of being alone together," says Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Sherry Turkle. She argues that by communicating through short snippets of information, texts, and posts, workers are connecting but not conversing.
"People can't get enough of each other—if and only if they can have each other at a distance, in amounts they can control," Turkle recently said at a TED talk. "I call it the Goldilocks effect. Not too close, not too far, just right."
However, NPR notes that studies have not yet determined the impact of the Internet in the workplace; while some studies suggest that the Internet and social media boost feelings of loneliness and depression, others show that it may increase conversation and productivity (Goetz, NPR, 5/28).
Source:  http://www.advisory.com/Daily-Briefing/2012/05/29/Web-makes-us-alone-together


When lady librarians always wore skirts and you didn’t dare make noise...

A recent Chiropractic Librarians listserve post:
From: Anne Taylor-Vaisey [mailto:ATVaisey@cmcc.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, February 21, 2012 1:30 PM
To: 'chirolib-l@palmer.edu'

Subject: When lady librarians always wore skirts and you didn’t dare make noise...
 Dear colleagues-
This is an obituary about Alice Moulton, who started working as a librarian at the University of Toronto in 1942. She died recently at the age of 100. It brings back memories of what libraries were like in “the olden days”.

Cheers - Anne
Anne Taylor-Vaisey MLS
Reference Librarian
Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
6100 Leslie Street, Toronto ON M2H 3J1
T 416 482 2340 ext. 205
T 1-800-669-2959 x205
atvaisey@cmcc.ca ; http://www.cmcc.ca
Co-Editor and Web Editor: http://www.chiroindex.org

Reference Question of the Week – 5/20/12 -  May 26th, 2012 Brian Herzog 
It's been a very slow week in the library (school winding down + beautiful weather), so this week's question isn't an actual reference question - but it is something I recently learned.
Did you know Wikipedia has a reference desk?

The Wikipedia reference desk works like a library reference desk. Users leave questions on the reference desk and Wikipedia volunteers work to help you find the information you need.   Questions/answers are broken up into categories, and are both interesting and sophisticated. I also like the format of crowdsourcing answers - even when someone had given what I thought was a great answer, subsequent responders added new information or aspects that were useful. 

Actually, it reminded me of any other online forum, which I use all the time for answering questions (especially for coding problems or frustrating technology issues). No one response provides a complete answer, but putting all the bits and pieces together often solves the problem.  Not that using the internet as a big Help archive is anything new - I was just happy to find another source to search when I get a real stumper. But if nothing else, the Wikipedia Reference Desk Guidelines does make for interesting reading.


Library Paste Kills

This gravestone marker is from the Goldfield Pioneer Cemetery in Goldfield, Nevada. It marks the grave of the "Unknown Library Paste Man" who was a starving vagrant who dug up a tub of library paste out of the trash and consumed enough to be a lethal dose. In addition to the flour and water, the paste contained small amounts of alum, which is poisonous when consumed in large doses.

Brian also has a link to an interesting article on the blog Letterology  Please Don’t Eat the Library Paste published on June 11, 2012 describes various forms of the popular library pastes and adhesives of yesteryear.  The article has some lovely 20th century catalog reproductions of popular paste jars.



Another website link from Brian Herzog, the quirky view of the library world as told by cartoons.