
October 2022, No.159


Happy autumn, CAHSLAnians! CAHSLA-ites? CAHSLAnauts? I’ll work on it.  This is my second year with CAHSLA, and I’m so happy to be working alongside Emily Kean and Lisa McCormick again.  Together with Amy Koshoffer, they’ve done an extraordinary job at making me feel welcome, informed, and entertained.  I’m really looking forward to carrying on that tradition for another year.    


To me, that means meeting colleagues, making friends, sharing ideas, and having a good time. At our top-secret meeting at a top-secret world’s-best Indian restaurant (Dusmesh), we shared ideas and discussed visions for the year ahead, and I am excited. 


Let me interrupt myself for a moment.  Indian food in Cincinnati.  I recently visited a friend in DC, who expressed her sadness and frustration that she can’t find an Indian restaurant anywhere near as good as in Cincinnati.  Another friend said the same thing about living in Chicago, and in New York, and in L.A. It’s probably what makes CAHSLA so great. 


In all seriousness, I wouldn’t trade my experience at CAHSLA for anything, and I want nothing more than for you get as much out of it as I have, if not more.  If you have thoughts, opinions, or ideas, please share them with me. 

Alex Temple, President

Treasurer’s Report

2022-10-10 CAHSLA Treasurer Report


as of 06/27/2022:



5 Memberships






Web Domain Registration






as of 10/10/2022:



as of 06/27/2022:



1 Membership






as of 06/27/2022:



as of 10/10/2022:



Membership Chair Report


8 Regular (Paid)

0 Student (Paid)

12 Life Members

20 Total

Respectfully Submitted,

Emily Kean, Treasurer and Membership Chair

Secretary’s Report

Annual Executive Transition Meeting

Date: August 18, 2022

Time: 5:30 p.m. – 6:45 p.m.

Location: Dusmesh Indian Restaurant

Attendees:  Emily Kean, Alex Temple, Lisa McCormick

A discussion on the state of CAHSLA meeting attendance in light of recent social and health issues that limited in person meetings ensued.  Alex voiced that the social aspect of CAHSLA events are a selling point for membership and involvement.  The 2021-2022 end of the year picnic had a particularly good turn-out.  It could have also been driven by the convenient location in Clifton near the work places of so many members.

Another item of discussion was a curious mention of CAHSLA in a meeting announcement for OHSLA (Ohio Health Sciences Library Association) in June.  OHSLA, like many professional associations, is struggling for members and meeting attendees.  In an announcement for a discussion to generate ideas to increase membership, the following discussion item was brought up:  Collaborate/merge with the Cincinnati group. OHSLA was born from a merge. 

What could the benefits be to CAHSLA?  Any health information professionals can join OHSLA.  Historically, Cincinnati did have many OHSLA members.  Over time, and with the closing of many hospital libraries, fewer Cincinnati professionals OHSLA attended.  OHSLA offers a spring and fall meeting often with a CE component.  Meetings have generally been in the Columbus area, but some have been in the farthest ends of the state. Lisa McCormick reported that she had not seen any follow-up on the discussion.

Ideas of possible meeting venues and programs were discussed:  a tour of the murals in downtown Cincinnati; a holiday social at the newly renovated Walnut Hills Branch of the Cincinnati Public Library, a presentation by the director of the Winkler History Center and visit to the surgery theatre at UC.

CAHSLA Meeting

Date: October 3, 2022

Time: 4:30 p.m. -

Locations:  Memorial Hall and Queen City Radio



Tour guide: CMHS Chairman Bill Baumann
Edith Starbuck, Lynn Warner, Alex Herrlein, Emily Kean

Social:  Queen City Radio
Alex Herrlein, Alex Temple, Lynn Warner, Emily Kean

View from Memorial Hall

The 2022-2023 CAHSLA association year kicked off with the annual membership meeting on October 3, 2022.  A tour of historic Memorial Hall, now an arts and entertainment venue, located in Over-the- Rhine, was conducted by Cincinnati Memorial Hall Society Chairman, Bill Baumann.

The Hall sits in the shadow of renowned Music Hall, but, on its own, Memorial Hall is well-known for its intimate staging and fine acoustics among concert goers.  The Hall’s “neighbors” also include Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, numerous restaurants, and Washington Park, a gathering place to lounge, play with dogs, and enjoy a water feature in summer.

The tour led attendees through the history and the 2016 revitalization of the building. Built in 1908 by the Grand Army of the Republic, the Hamilton County Memorial Building stands as a monument to the Cincinnati veterans of the Spanish-American War and the U.S. Civil War.”  Like Music Hall, Memorial Hall was designed by Samuel Hannaford & Sons. Features of the building include marble stair cases, Tiffany chandeliers, and a special collection of memorabilia and artifacts representing military history from a local perspective.

Following the tour, individuals enjoyed a social time at Queen City Radio. 

Respectfully submitted,
Lisa McCormick, Secretary

Congratulations to Jennifer Pettigrew, MLIS, AHIP,  The James N. Gamble Library at The Christ Hospital, on achieving AHIP – Academy of Health Information Professionals – certification from the Medical Library Association. “The Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) is the peer-reviewed, accomplishment/portfolio-based certification and career development program for health information professionals. Academy membership indicates that your peers have certified that you have met a standard of professional education, experience, and accomplishment and demonstrates that you are committed to career development.”

Stories on Medical Librarians Impact

Check out the Krafty Librarian October 5, 2022 “Little Stories on a Medical Librarian’s Impact.” Described as a sort of  ‘Chicken Soup for the Librarian’s Soul’ the stories relate to the librarian impact on patient care, particularly during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Book Reviews on the Culture of Medicine

The Gold Foundation, an organization that “champions humanism in healthcare, which we define as compassionate, collaborative, and scientifically excellent care,“ provides many resources to promote humanism in healthcare, including a curated list of books and book reviews - both fiction and nonfiction. On the website's book review page, click on the book’s cover for a review.

Found in a Book

NPR, National Public Radio, did a story [August 2, 2022]  on librarian Sharon McKellar, Oakland Public Library, who collects the "found artifacts and posts them on the library's website in a collection titled Found in a Library Book."

Over ten years ago, McKellar became fascinated by the glimpses into the lives of these anonymous patrons through the post-it notes, birthday cards, pages of homework, and faded photographs, for example, found in returned library books.  Believing that others would be interested in these artifacts, McKellar, with the help of her Oakland PL colleagues, began collecting the items and scanning them into the library’s website Found in a Library Book.

From the NPR story: "I wonder if it was a precious object to somebody," McKellar said. "Does the person miss that item? Do they regret having lost it or were they careless with it because they actually didn't share those deep and profound feelings with the person who wrote [it]?" she wonders.

Attempts to Ban Books Increasing

Previous issues of the Chronicle have relayed the upward tick in attempts to ban books in school and public libraries.  The American Library Association and the American Civil Liberties Union have kept these stories in the media because many of those behind these bans have been threatening librarians, library workers, and boards of trustees with violence. The Washington Post published an opinion piece, "Have we forgotten what a public library is for?" [September 30, 2022] by Deborah E. Mikula (Executive Director of the Michigan Library Association)  and Loren Khogali.(Executive Director of the Michigan ACLU).

The Op Ed reminds us:Libraries fill a role central to any functioning democracy: upholding the rights of citizens to read, to seek information, to speak freely. As champions of access, librarians are committed to curating collections that allow everyone who enters the library to see themselves in the books and resources the library provides. It is especially crucial to serve people who belong to traditionally marginalized groups — such as the LGBTQ community — which have historically been underrepresented in the publishing industry.”

Medtwitter Takes on Dictation Bloopers

Recently a call went out on Medtwitter for dictation bloopers.  Here are a few of the amusing examples people submitted:

·       Baloney amputation instead of Below knee amputation
·       Fuzzy baby instead of Fussy baby
·       Patient presents today with her deceased husband
·       Reptile dysfunction instead of Erectile dysfunction
·       Lord of the strawberries instead of Lower extremities
·       Intubated by kaleidoscope

Final Thought

Banning books gives us silence when we need speech. It closes our ears when we need to listen. It makes us blind when we need sight.

Stephen Chbosky, author of The Perks of Being a Wallflower

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